Teo Macaroni

You sound American.

or the Barbarian…

I love ELP too, but your post makes no sense to me!!

Plus that Winnie the Pooh guy.

Leave the book in a taxi, then somebody else can read it (not that they would want to.)

My 2 sons have that bit off by heart (well, up till "Upstate Noo Yawk" anyway.) BUT -

Chaplin was English, dummy!

Of course, later on in A Night at the Opera they do 'The Prophet's Song' which is super.


She's only 5!!!

Didn't she do those pioneering electronic music records in the 70's?

One of the funniest books I ever read was by WC Fields but I can't remember what it was called…anyone?

Not in principle - it was just that every factory she ever visited that was controlled by the workers was woefully inefficient.

Ah, but this was before the age of digital watches, you see.

It's more than a feeli - KAPOW!!!

Hey man, she's not really a banana factory. Just cool it, ok?

You sound young.

Come on man, grow a pair!

Will anecdotal evidence do?

You appear to be under the impression that the point of the article is how twitter goes bananas about trivial nonsense while ignoring genuine outrages like the aforementioned Paris massacree and the Dustin Martin chopstick incident. But twitter goes bananas over them too, it's just not as funny. This is a pop culture