Teo Macaroni

Sorry sir, this thread is about a well-known comedian banning phones from his live show.

What about Chuck Berry and the glass coffee table?!?

No it's not.

Sounds like *someone* was never seduced as a 13 year old by Jimmy Page in the back of a limo on the way to JFK to board Zep's private airliner and fly to LA to hang out at the Rainbow back in 73 and has been holding a grudge ever since.
Well that's just sad.

How about Bono?

'Based on' or 'based off'?

Is this a remake of Barton Fink?

Sow beans

It's all one guy, formerly well known as the singer with the popular alternative rock band 'Pavement.'

That's just the way Mummy Pig likes him.

Blackface! *faints*

What about that old sci-fi one that was just still photos with creepy talking mouths superimposed on the faces?

For all intensive purposes.

Is that racist though? What if Liza Minnelli said it?


I thought it was agreed that our dollar be referred to as the 'Pacific Peso.'

Isn't that a T-Rex song?

I agree, there was even more confusion at my place at moments when we were neither looking at the screen nor listening to the sound. We didn't know what the fuck was going on. It's like on those old Triumph albums, you could never tell whether it was the drummer or the guitar player singing, especially if you

Now that's how you do it.
