Teo Macaroni

I think you've said too much there.

And "Anvil!"

But they do concede that integrity is an 'illusion.'

To be fair to Leno, he does require quite a bit of face time.

As the husband of a woman who undergoes an annual colonoscopy and has to swig down gallons of Picoprep beforehand, 'Going Clear' has a whole other meaning.

But not the freckles!

But she was mousy back then, too!

So he's Joe Meek's grandson?

And yet…

He might prop her embalmed corpse up in a rocking chair!

No Kenneth 'Ken' Widmerpool? For shame!

90's album covers are the worst.

Remember series 2 of Twin Peaks - he was only there for part of the time and that turned out o -

This is my brother Darrel, and this is my other brother Darrel.

The Last Waltz/This Is Spinal Tap

Some of that minimoog shit on their first album is pretty lame.


Is that bald guy in the suit your boyfriend?

It would sound even better coming out of James Earl Ray. Or Jim Jones.

Close enough for jazz.