Wait now I’m confused—much of the article is about how Conchita thinks of himself as a man, “in a dress.” Wouldn’t the proper pronouns be he/him? I honestly don’t know the answer, so just curious!
Wait now I’m confused—much of the article is about how Conchita thinks of himself as a man, “in a dress.” Wouldn’t the proper pronouns be he/him? I honestly don’t know the answer, so just curious!
I am confused for the opposite reason. You explicitly quote him identifying not as trans, but a man in a dress. Why not masculine pronouns then?
I have a video of my kids jumping around on the floor piano and laughing the most childlike way imaginable. Just pure unadulterated joy. It is sad that so many other kids (and adults) will never be able to experience that.
I don't like this. I really wanted to visit someday.
The best thing about this is that you KNOW if Michelle Obama did that she would never live it down. The privilege of just trying some persona on for fun is real.
I call bullshit on this. Like all things, if your hygiene is poor without a beard, it will be poor with a beard. There is no reason ANY man’s beard should contain fecal matter. NONE. Even if you go down on someone and they’re not having the freshest of days, you STILL wash your beard, you nasty fucker. If you change a…
My heart wants to believe that there was just a glimmer of “what the fuck, what did you just say” in the guys face once those words left her mouth.
100% agree with both points. Children of color are rarely seen as “innocent” of anything and in this situation I’m sure that bias played into the fact that the system did little to help him and his family initially.
“...Vili Fualaau, meanwhile, discusses his bouts with alcoholism, depression and why he believes the system failed him while he was still a minor.”
Man, SHE’S gross. I think he is an abuse victim, same as a female child would be considered in this case if the role’s were reversed. He’s an adult now but honestly his life has been so intertwined with hers as she basically stole his childhood and saddled him with kids super early. As a result, this woman has always…
Iris Apfel is GLORIOUS. That is all.
I literally found it by googling "Liz Taylor Caftan" because when I went to Mexico last year, I decided that would be my style inspiration. There's a couple more pictures of her in caftans if you search!
When I was little I often slept at my grandmother's where we would watch The Golden Girls and read The National Enquirer. The Princess Diana and Liz Taylor stories were by far my favourites. This was during her Larry Fortensky days and apparently I was very concerned that he wasn't good enough for Elizabeth Taylor. …
DAMN girl looked good in that corseted silhouette - and she obviously knew it. Love this, Kelly.
There are many beautiful pictures of young Elizabeth Taylor, who was perfectly formed for the fashions of the 1950s.…
Remember before the Internet when people just fucking proposed with a goddamn ring in a champagne glass/piece of chocolate cake/etc.?
Can I mention how lucky I am to have a man who made me wait at a spot at Glacier National Park for 5 minutes for 4 other people to leave in order to ask me, quietly, to marry him. No videos, no cameras, no audience. I am lucky.