Tentacle, Dutchman, no longer drives French

Its not necessarily the religion though. Women can drive in every other Muslim country in the world, Saudi Arabia is an anomaly, not the rule. Its due to how cultural traditions dating back to paternalistic pre Muslim Bedouin society have survived into the modern era mixed with Islam to create a wholly unique

[Comment about how its still funny]

8 years and you're the third person I've seen reference bash.org in all of the Internets. Well done.

The same thing really pisses me off when people say liquid or gaseous pure oxygen coming into contact with a petroleum product will cause an explosion and fire immediately No. It will not. How do I know? Because I've gotten freezing cold liquid oxygen all over my boots that had old grease and fuel stains in them, and

My Grandmother remembers seeing the news clips of Le mans tragedy in 1955. Apparently it was on the second page of her local news paper. Made a real impact on her as 50+ years latter she still remember it.

And now we wait for the Hollywood movie.

This is close to my thought. The *last* thing we need is a safety feature that allows people to drive worse thinking that they can rely on it to do the job for them. "Oh, I don't need to pay attention, the car will brake for me!".

I think you've got it, most people will rely on it once they see what it does. We are inherently lazy. Hell, I'd probably try it out a few times, or show it to a friend. That's the exact wrong thing to do.

I hope it'll be more of a last resort kind of feature, similar to Honda's Collision Mitigation Bracking System (CMBS). It'll brake HARD at the very last second to avoid a collision. I believe Jeremy Clarkson did a segment on it with a Honda Accord Wagon.

Nice plan. Nothing beats motorsports road tripping through Euroland, and the Amsterdam-Monaco axis is especially excellent.