
Good point! A great counter argument, I concur.

Titanfall takes the typical run-and-gun experience and turns it into something of a battle ballet. You can run on a slant against walls, double-jump with a jetpack and grab onto high ledges. Stringing them all together lets you practically glide through the maps. This is expert-level movement.

Now that is something to say! I'm back and forth on this thou..I don't think He even anticipated to earn a single penny with this. The fact He did, I think is mere coincidence. The game is crap and the assets are ripoffs. But were it not a "success", no one would give a damn.

Just like most of Kotaku's headlines. Clickbaits.

I hope people will stop comparing video games with reality real soon. If we're at it, stop comparing fiction with reality altogether. In a sense, this just fuels people who can't make the clear distinction. When there is a clear line between the two.

I think nit picking on the guy's choice of word in a whole thread is absurd. People express themselves however they want. It's beyond the point if He liked the game or not. There are just too many people who can be butthurt if they find a word that doesn't suit their..I don't, some people are just seem to be too tight

Does a gun like that make a smoke hat big? The smoke bomb smoke is ok, it's more immersive if a smoke bomb covers the screen, but firing a gun should, no?

I thought straight out telling to despise something was enough..err..unnecessarily honest, but you compared anime to politics and religion? Ok...I think we hit the border of "entitled to your opinion".

You sound like you're on the "You don't understand how copyright works, hurr durr!" band wagon. You must be an expert, I guess. But experts like you always fail to provide with an acceptable argument. Not that I'd be interested in it after you made your ignorance apparent. Btw: you missed the point.

That was a pretty lame unboxing thou. But the package looks awesome. Even for a beta, a wooden box with metal corners and everything..I think it's pretty cool.

typing wow. ok. and you filed that under productivity. convenient, yes. not productive. hand has to re-positioned, fingers have much more work than a click. eyes might need to avert from screen to type. again. you filed that under productivity. hope you're not a UX designer.

Since I have a win 8 laptop in the office, I was wondering if Microsoft just fired all of their UI and UX people. If they had any to begin with..

Your ignorance knows no bounds.

Yup. Their content is also informative. Like an interview. Diminish their work or dismissing the importance of providing useful and relevant information is so ignorant..

You read it on the internet, didn't you. It's such a cool comeback these days. Please, tell me you are an expert on the subject. You must even be a lawyer. Am I right? Look in to the mirror and repeat that sentence, and tell your face you provided a valuable argument to the conversation. For me, I think @Senorbolsa

Wow. Such logic. Much argument. So ignorant.

This is how governments work too. It's not any different from working a classic job. You are at the mercy of your employer, the system above your employer, all the same. You have no control over either one.

We have been working with YouTube to resolve various issues that have plagued the YouTube gaming community this week, as soon as we learned about what was going on. 1. A channel named "4GamerMovie" has been claiming reviews, Let's Plays, and Walkthrough videos for our games, including Metro: Last Light. We raised this

fair use. google it.

Oh so you wouldn't mind if your main source of revenue were disappeared? You wouldn't just be mad? I can give you my account number, you can start transferring your monthly salary to it then.