
or you can just download the official chrome extension, right click on any image and there you have it.

Guess this shows the core gender differences: Men don't complain about stuff like this. We don't get offended by all the super strong and charming male protagonists. We don't complain that our heroes are better in some or all aspects than the average male. We - wait for it - embrace it, and take them as role models.

And how would you market a zombie game, with bunnies? Or would be ok if it was a male torso? It would right...

Yes it's officially hilarious to think another genre (not intended) to be played on controllers..first fps games now mmos.

Now, at last someone speaks my language. Thanks for your comment, I got closer to understanding this madness.

Now playing

just compare it to the Mass Effect start screen... it's just not the same.

They don't. That's the beauty of it. They don't have to try this hard.

"console port" now gained a whole new meaning

Are you bitter because I have an opinion, or because it's valid and not derogatory so you can't have a "proper" argument against it?

What is on the picture? What is your point? Couldn't bothered by what? ...

You don't get it I see. Or are you, too, agree that the grouping term "gaming" only applies to consoles? My point was that it's misleading because they exclude a huge chunk of the subject and still get away with it.

Since we had to draw a line somewhere, this series is going to focus primarily on the PlayStation 3, the Wii and the Xbox 360. Mobile gaming (including the PSP and DS), social gaming and PC gaming (sorry, master race) won't really be included. That said, don't be surprised if you see an article or two about any of

I was thinking something like that too. That's what they call gaming, the big three consoles? Really? Isn't that a bit ignorant? The current generation is more than just that.. I'm not a pc fanboy and I don't really care much about preferences - since with what, and on what you play is really just that - but if they

I don't see how Gurren Lagann is a deconstruction.. wait. It's not that I don't see. It's rather it isn't.

I do. And yeah they do that regularly too. I just felt like commenting on it. Kotaku is becoming less and less relevant and quality to me. Not to mention the comment threads... They sure know how to make heat.

I'm not complaining. That's just like..my opinion. The title is messed up, I didn't really made a big issue about it, just mentioned it's lame to re-craft context. And yeah, Obama mentioning a console may worth a remark. But remember what's the role of PR, and I may not have to say more.

I don't particularly care how anything is depicted. These are video games. Fiction. I don't know why people have such a hard time making the difference.

Sorry to start with this, but your name is awesome.

I'm actually not that new. But I'm curious why would you say that. Is it the anti-Xbox attitude Kotaku in general has? I get that. But it's still a terrible click bait..

How does this putting it into terms "Home-owning Xbox gamers can understand"? I mean it's a terrible click bait, you should feel ashamed of yourself. Just because He mentions a console in a speech, you get to fabricate a context for an article? wow..