I hear you! As a dad gamer with a full-time job I get like an hour a day max for gaming. Any game that requires me to “git gud” or promises to be infuriating is off the table.
I hear you! As a dad gamer with a full-time job I get like an hour a day max for gaming. Any game that requires me to “git gud” or promises to be infuriating is off the table.
I would love to play Elden Ring. But to save my sanity I must pass. As a chill gamer, any game that is infuriatingly difficult sends me into a rage (especially dying over and over again) and I am at the point where any kind of rage has no place in my life. Goosfrabah bro!
Maybe because being politely outraged didn’t fucking do anything and the world is being literally ruined for every creature but, possibly, ourselves? We’re going to literally drown millions, if not billions of people or at least their former habitats, because we were politely objecting to bad policies in the 20th…
The 2nd system has exactly the same stuff as the 1st, and the 50th.
Corporations have no reason to change at all because, quite frankly, boycotts are a failed tactic nowadays. It needs a lot of people, and you cannot count on “a lot of people.” Nor did I ever suggest a game must be catered to a particular person or group of people, so not really sure why you (apparently?) think I did.
So, the issue here is, that’s not what immersion is. Immersion does not equal realism. It equates to logical consistency. So a world with bronze-age technology shouldn’t suddenly be building spaceships, and a world of medieval Tolkien-inspired Elves and magic shouldn’t have a bedazzled denim Pokemon jacket.
The problem (which isn’t really a problem) is that when you have condescending options like “too easy” people feel insulted by the very game they paid money for and are trying to enjoy. Even just putting a game on anything lower than “normal” or whatever the default setting for a game is makes me feel embarassed. But…
Dark Souls or Hyper Light Drifter isn’t that type of game, though. It isn’t easy, it isn’t meant to be. But some people treat it like it is, simply because they picked up on it super quickly. They think their experience is universal.
I constantly had other kids yank controllers out of my hands when I was younger,…
Maybe you’re not familiar with how words work, but “either” indicates a similarity or a link.
I think I agree with this statement the most. As a grown ass man, I don’t have time to spend ‘getting good’ at games like I did in my wee child days. This is upsetting to me, and i have been known on occasion to crank the difficulty way the fuck down on games I just want the story for (i am looking at you uncharted),…
No one is demanding anything. They just don’t want any game to be something where you can’t go three steps without being torn apart, where you basically have to memorize the game in order to make the tiniest amount of progress. That’s not fun. I fail to see how that would be enjoyable.
Deserve to be mocked due to video game preferences/skills? Life doesn’t have an easy mode, so games shouldn’t either? Are you for real?
I disagree. I absolutely want every game to have an easy mode— one that doesn’t mock me for playing it. I am terrible even with easy games, games I’ve spent many hours playing. I have anxiety-ridden nightmares at even attempting Bloodbourne or Dark Souls. I don’t know if I’d ever be able to progress in either game.…
Honestly calling this anticompetitive is a pretty loose use of the term. All they did was refuse to distribute it. They don’t do anything to actually block you from getting it, and unlike when windows installed explorer by default, you don’t actually get steam installed unless you go and install steam (and last time I…
Microsoft looked at the PC market and said “Hey this platform that we’ve been developing the #1 operating system for for the last 25 years, looks like it has the largest install base of any gaming platform. Let’s continually release distribution services that fuck them over.”
Y’know, I used to see piracy as a black-and-white issue (and I still feel that it is fundamentally wrong on a number of levels, as gaming is a leisure activity—really, a luxury—rather than a basic human need, and therefore shouldn’t be subject to the whole “Robin Hood” school of thought in terms of “stealing is okay,…
Why did you post that? Now everyone knows your security code is an exclamation mark in a circle, a rectangle and a pencil in a square!
It doesn’t really matter original intent or not (Star Wars and E.T. have some famously bad creative enhancements), the iconography for Lara is her shapely body. That is not to say that her new look is bad, it is just different from what my generation sees as “Lara Croft”.
"I hated level 40," she said with a sigh. It was the first time we'd spoken in eight years, and she had never…