
I know it's not XSEED's fault, but GOD DAMMIT! I'm so sick and tired of literally LIVING this "I'm throwing money at my screen but NOTHING'S HAPPENING!" thing CONSTANTLY. Do we have to get on our knees and BEG? Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if we've already gone that far, especially for the Operation Rainfall

That scene never made me cry. Instead, I was pissed. It was far less "she just died" and more "Sephiroth just freaking killed her!"

What if it goes out and melts down a busload of nuns? How would you like to write the headline on that one?

I've bought games primarily new for a long time now. Since the dawn of games on disc-based media, actually. I much prefer *knowing* my disc-based games are in pristine, playable condition.

My friend finally got his copy of Xenoblade. He started playing it yesterday and instantly loved it. He would never have even heard about the game if I hadn't been constantly telling him about it during the ridiculous number of months it took NoA to finally bring it. My work here is done.

Good! I didn't want Ignition anywhere near another game unless there was no other choice. Not after Arc Rise Fantasia. Holy hell.

It's not my Xbox Live Gamertag, but my Kotaku handle is what I generally use for my online identity.

Fully agreed on all points where I can have an opinion, Mr. Rincon!

I *will* eventually buy Fez and play it, as I've been waiting YEARS to do so. But I won't buy it until the save data destroying bugs are fixed. And considering how long it took for the game to be released, I don't expect a patch anytime soon.

Wow. And I've been waiting how many years for this? I first heard about it in the middle of COLLEGE and couldn't wait for it to be out. I now have been out of college for nearly 3 years. I had nearly forgotten about it a couple times.

Agreed. I enjoyed the hell out of Nier. It's kind of a guilty pleasure for me. While playing it I could understand why many people thought it was terrible, but I still loved it.

Have it, already played through it. Definitely one of the DS's last great games. Though I felt it was starting to drag on a bit near the end, but that's probably just me and my busy life as of late. I just don't have as much free time anymore.

What I'd like to see more of, is more JRPGs with ADULT protagonists. Games like Lost Odyssey, Tales of Vesperia, Nier, and Xenoblade.

Screw shooting stuff. Give me a sword any day. Some of us just like to stab things.

I couldn't stand the dub of Orphen for very long. I never liked the acting quality in ADV dubs at all, even though back in the VHS era I always bought the dubbed version. For emphasis, I'm not a dub-hater, as I love a good dub. the CPM dub (and FUNimation's by extension) of Slayers is one of the best dubs I've ever

It's also Namco Bandai. That alone lowers the odds of western localization drastically, even without licensing issues.

No mention of Slayers? Really? I am disappoint.

Legend of Dragoon? Hell yeah! That game was hours of fun. I nostalgia hard just thinking about it.

Unfortunately there will NEVER be plans for a western release. The licensing issues with all those characters would be too much of a hassle.

Radiant Historia was great! Though I noticed the whole turn swapping thing really allowed you to break things. Many boss battles took little more than swapping turns til your characters had a combined total of like 8 or more turns in a row and just letting fly your strongest attacks that the enemy had a weakness