
I know this post is a bit old, and I don’t have much of a stake in this argument, but I do want to diplomatically point out that this really is not how AI art generators work. I think this misconception is underlying a lot of the hostility.

AI art generators work by learning the *concept* of what “art” of a given style


I mean yeah that sounds quite reasonable


What does that even mean?

I do like that he can only think of averages in terms of ‘protein shakes’ though.

I mean he (it’s probably fair to say he’s a ‘he’) didn’t say anything remotely like that...

There is, I think, a large enough subset of women who find hypermasculine guys who can be sometimes a bit mean sexy that the tactic is effective. The sort of woman who says she’s “very traditional” and is looking for someone who “won’t take her shit”. They’re out there.

are you saying that Chad is there for the wrong reasons?

also his name is “Chad” and, like, look at him

It’s still kind of funny imagining Jane Goodall saying “anyway, whatever”, though

It follows from the above description, as you may have noticed, that the fact computers in practice are implemented using electronic circuits is *not fundamental to their operation*. This just lets us make the circuits really small. You could just as well build a computer using pipes (water flows = 1, water off = 0),

This could conceivably be several different questions; I’m sorry if I’ve misunderstood.

1) How does the computer ‘know’ what the input and output signals mean?
> It does not. It just deterministically gives some output given an input. The point of software is to ensure that, given a particular input, the output is

2) breaks into two questions: why is there a speed limit, and why does light move at the speed limit?

Suppose there were no speed limit. Then it would be possible for arbitrarily distant points to affect one another arbitrarily quickly (by emitting a speedy enough influence). This would, in essence, mean that *all

You store the signal as light that you’ve set to oscillate in just such a way as to exactly mirror (this isn’t quite right in practice) the oscillations in the sound. Then, you shine that light out, possibly bouncing it off the atmosphere. It doesn’t come to your house specifically; the microwave towers just spam it

This depends. Would you say your goal is to fall in love with them, for them to fall in love with you, or to cry when criticized?

RIP Tim Hunt

No. If they can walk through walls (they can’t) it has nothing to do with vibrating at the correct frequency.

The diseases mutually annihilate, releasing all their rest mass as gamma rays

This is actually surprisingly complicated (and sorry for the long post, which kind of ran away from me). There are several effects that hold you stable, but their relative importance is hard to predict and depends on the exact bicycle in question.

1. When you spin something about an axis, it “likes” to continue

If you jump out of a spaceship into outer space, you will die. What exactly kills you? How long does it take?