
Rowling is a cunt, just like you.

Imagine if you devoted 1/10th of the energy you expended defending a billionaire on anything else. Like, for example, the people she brazenly wishes to disenfranchise.

Screw you Square-Enix. I thought this game looked interesting enough to at least try it out, but I will NOT try it so long as AI generated art is anywhere in the game in any capacity.

The nature of ownership hasn’t changed, what has changed is that our ability to utilise that license isn’t as self-contained as it once was.

I actually agree with them, and not with you, and I’m pretty sure that at the time I’m writing this, there are at least 54 other people who also think the same. How well supported is your opinion? You can’t even back it with facts.

Are you alright? 

This reads like bad AI

Hell of a lot of irony in this comment.

First of all, you okay, buddy? You’re awful wound up.

Secondly, in what possible way are they wrong? Are you seriously saying that it’s just as possible to go to a music store or video store and buy a DVD/CD/Blu Ray as it was 10 years ago? You seen a mall lately? Been to a Best Buy to peruse their “media section”?

I mean, there is an alternative.... be OK NOT getting Ubisoft games. Until people just finally are OK with not having the latest Asassin’s Creed, Battlefield (EA), Diablo, etc then the companies will just continue doing these things. By buying their products you encourage their behavior.

Its almost like we should just pirate everything Ubisoft (and every AAA publisher) ever makes.

God you guys are weirdos.

Pssh, if that girl wants to look like someone who’s had a lifetime of testosterone influencing

You seem fun. I bet you’re fun.

She just needs to look like she’s spent a significant portion of her life training to beat the ever-loving shit out of the man who killed her father. She doesn’t need to be huge, just in very, very good shape. It’s important for us to believe that she was obsessed, not that she was necessarily born with the bone

Oh I feel ya.  This feels like the blandest, safest choice they could have possibly made.  It’s clear they don’t want another trilogy debacle, so one-offs designed to make as most money as possible and then fuck off are the order of the day.

It happened because there was a phase were the kids just equated “boomer” to “anyone older than me”, and the fact that the two words flow together well made it roll off the tongue nicely, making it kind of fun to say, which is why the name stuck. So to translate, it means “shooter in the style of ones played by people

Genre tags are convenient and this one is kind of fun. I don’t have a problem with it. It’s fine, and it will probably keep happening. You don’t have to use it, but you probably know what someone is talking about when you hear it. So it has its use.

why? because it rhymes. There, solved it for ya

Unreasonable pedantism after unreasonable anger at a completely harmless term. Shocking!