
It’s cynical. The obfuscation, as the article puts it, is there to make the audience as broad as possible, in the hopes of cashing in on those who sincerely believe Jones’ bullshit as well as those who just think it’s funny.

I spent more time than I should have reading the store page and trying to divine if this was a parody or sincere, and then I realized: it doesn’t fucking matter, because the Jones vortex is just meaningless nonsense, but like, not in a fun dadaist way.

17.76 is a bit high, we all know its going on sale for 14.88

On one hand, I’m guessing they’re just talking about the game, not life.

On the other hand, you have made me realize just how much life is like a souls game; endless challenges made arbitrarily hard for the benefit of the few, and the only advice anybody ever gives you is “get gud” and expect to fail for most of it.

The huge uptick in slideshow “articles” over the last month has gotten way outta control.

And the gameplay was really solid. I really wish it received regular updates. It’s been on life support for years, no new content at all :/

Champions online had a really good creator. the game never really had the investment needed to get up to coh’s level( it kind of collapsed when atari sold them off, and seemed to cannibalize resources for star trek online and later neverwinter), and the art style was an acquired taste, but it had asymmetrical clothes

This is very thoughtful and moving.

I am a bigger WW2 buff than most and I had no idea it meant that. I feel like if you aren’t a Nazi then it doesn’t mean that.

Putting aside the broader point you’re missing (as others explain better), loads of games have cooking/eating mechanics; and restaurant games are an entire, venerable genre.

The statement isn’t dumb, I think you’re just taking it more literally than it was intended. It gives a personal, humanised example as inspiration to consider adjacent things without them having to explicitly spell out each one.

I mean they trained/sponsored Al-Qaeda until the Gulf War.

The argument of “it’s not genocide because their population is growing” is how people talk about livestock. The poultry maintains a population of billions of chickens worldwide, more than the human population. It also slaughters them in the billions.

I bet you were cheering when Palestinian babies were dying in hospitals.


It is when every Saudi character is a terrorist.

How many games are there where you shoot Americans BECAUSE they’re Americans?

Thank you for writing this article. The dissociation and insistence on distraction or making little points to try and dismiss the heart of this - the heartbreak of this - are telling of how deeply seeded these views are. I appreciate your bringing them to light.

There are no heroes in this conflict, only villains (Hamas and the government of Israel) and victims (Palestinians, and to a lesser extent Israelis).

There is an actual definition of genocide and what Israel is currently doing absolutely meets that definition. It does not require the complete elimination of an ethnic group. The hallmark of genocide is the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a ethnic, religious or other group. Israeli leaders at all levels have