
It can still be creepy if it is legal - and it is, IMO. I come from a country where the legal age is 15, and it is still seen as extremely pervy for older people to lust after people below 18 unless they are themselves in that same age range.

If I had to guess at a reason one is praised while another is criticized—and be allowed to speak in broad, general terms—I would put my money on the idea that one features sex that two people engage in, while another features sex when it has a 12 year old girl trip over her own feet and shove her ass in a protagonists

1) changing cultural mores. Things in the past are certainly different from now. You might also remember western games getting pilloried for sexual content—for instance the now infamous GTA San Andreas hot coffee mod kerfuffle.

2023 Larian are the gift that just keep on giving. The last time I remember a dev giving a post-release post-game epilogue from fan feedback was Mass Effect 3 and I recall it being a “Please, leave us alone” kind of gesture to get people to stop complaining - With Larian I get the impression they really are just sat

Even then we saw her as a young woman in the BOTW Hyrule Warriors spinoff

I mean... from BotW onward, Hyrule is basically populated entirely by hotties. Zelda, Urbosa, Paya, Mipha, ... Link, Sidon, King Rhoam... random stable girls and villagers... I think the only character that a significant chunk of the internet isn’t hornt for is granny Impa. (I guess she got her turn in Skyward Sword?)

I hope Dan Stapleton is a reasonable asshole over his 7/10 review being incredibly on-point once the initial awe wears off. The weeks of people digging up his old DNF review and shitting all over him for daring to note that Bethesda made an impressively large and otherwise pretty ok game that feels a bit dated in the

“You aren’t enjoying the game? Well, have you tried enjoying it instead?”

These responses, Howard’s responses, and the game itself ... they all just SCREAM that this is a company whose leaders have no idea what’s going on in the world of videogames.

That is hilarious!
‘I was bored...’
‘Respectfully, sir, but most definitely you were not!’

I have not played Starfield, but amusingly the points mentioned in reviews could equally well apply to most Bethesda games I have played, from Daggerfall to Oblivion (I did not play Skyrim: I have started it several times, but


This feels like writing on the wall over a BGS. Now that Microsoft is in charge I have to wonder if Todd has much time left there if they’re getting THIS desperate.

The turtle? Why, my dear sir - it’s turtles all the way down!

so Balders Gate 3 takes place around Balders Gate.  fascinating

The game takes place in a tiny part of The Sword Coast.

All about you, champ. 

One of my favorite things in Dark Souls 3 is battling through a grueling landscape, slogging through an interminable swamp at the base of an enormous bridge and then you pop out somewhere higher up once you have the context of where you’ve been and see that...it’s all there, visible and connected, covering maybe

I... Never said it was?

I love Scott Pilgrim. I love 500 Days of Summer. I related to both of those bits of media in a different way when I was in my 20s and as I grew as a person I learned how problematic that was and learned to love them in a different way.

Scott Pilgrim is essentially the comics version of 500 days of Summer. People like it and relate to it for the wrong reasons without understanding the core of the story is that Scott is shitty.