
Vampire Survivors adding a vampire to the game? Even as a guest character?

Sounds like it, your IGN article must be coming in the next couple of week yeah?

On the bright side, the original Battlefront 2 (Classic, 2005) on Steam is probably going to get a resurgence of active players because of this.

The friendly fire in Magicka was clearly an homage to that scene from Starship Troopers.

Specific players were being shits to the dev and a dev clapped back, which was a bit unprofessional but completely understandable. I don’t think it needs to be more complicated than that.

Ah, the enlightened centrist has joined the chat!

jk, jk. Honestly, if you just play the game and stay away from reddit you will likely never come across this stuff.

Wow, how condescending. Is this how you talk to people normally?

The customer isn’t always right, etc.

Like, I get it, professionalism for its own sake has value and you don’t want to turn away customers. But I feel like the capital “G” gamers harassing the devs aren’t really owed niceties and decorum like that, and it’s just that general air of entitled consumerism that makes us

Yeah, before it was taking pot-shots, now it feels nice and chunky.

Back at ya, where did Arkayjiya say that they were creating user-friendly mod tools you can use to create complete campaigns?

“I get that reference!”

Best music in a raid series imo

Hm...it’d be weird to go back after just re-playing Remake at 60fps, but that is also an up-rezzed PS4 game so maybe Graphics Mode is worth it for Rebirth.

I get what you’re throwin’ down, but I would still describe my relationship to the FF Series as more than just “like” but short of identifying as being in the fandom/community. Maybe “Fan” is still a bit strong, but I’m having trouble finding a good replacement... oh, I know!

I used to think this too but...nah, I do think “fandom” as it is used and exists today is inherently toxic. I’m a fan of Final Fantasy, love the games and pretty much buy every new one, but I would hesitate to say I’m in the “Final Fantasy Fandom” because to me that means a much bigger emotional buy-in than I actually

I can’t explain exactly why, but I think this news shaved a few years off of my life expectancy.

But still no fix for Jill’s sound bug. Still can’t finish the game because it triggers headaches :\

They said they were aware and it was being fixed in a future patch, I was really hopeful after the costume update and after this one, but no dice.

Eh, even if they have intent to sell, I’m still with Rafi on this one.

I think he meant it’s an uncanny valley in relation to the original look, not in relation to realistic humanoids.

A bit of a stretch of the definition, but I got what he meant.

The best advice is probably just to roll with it and not worry, honestly.

Thanks for the tips!