
That’s cool and all, but they didn’t fix that weird sound bug with Jill’s clothing physics so I guess it’s staying on the shelf until then...

...I want to keep playing, but it’s just too much

And by contrast, my husband and I play plenty of games with romance options, and we have a great time pining after different fictional characters and then sharing/laughing about it later. Can’t wait to explore what BG3 has to offer in that regard.

We both love the game Hades, for example, and “Boyfriend Dungeon” was a

Thanks for the tips! Ironically enough, I’ve started bee-lining sidequests in these kinds of games in recent years; I would always pick up like half-a-dozen, partially start a couple, and then start getting anxious and lose focus. Not sure if I want to go back to old habits, but if I feel like I hit a wall I’ll keep

Eyeglasses and hats...!?


Hm...I’m a bit confused as to your point here as it relates to my comment.

I was about to go to sleep when this update dropped, and I had to stay up a bit later just to start them up and hear that classic music.

These were basically the quintessential Zelda games from my childhood, probably even more than Ocarina of Time. Can’t wait to play them again after so long, might even finish a Ages

They’re a throuple, get over it people

They do point out in the official announcement post that the game fully support Steam remote-play, so there’s that.

I dunno, it seems neat.

Oh :o I didn’t know that, thank you for explaining

When ctrl + f goes wrong

There’s just...too many...good games coming out... ;_;

“If you had to miss work, would you apologize to your boss?”

I mean, if you had to miss work, i.e. there was no other option, then what is there to apologize for? It’s on the boss to be understanding of circumstance, same for Twitch viewers in this situation imo.

Your name matches you perfectly.

I guess? “Compelling evidence” to me doesn’t come across as saying it’s 100% confirmed, the article doesn’t say it’s 100% confirmed or anything, and any Trans person who is like “omg Gwen is Trans you can’t convince me otherwise” is just having fun on the internet. Still seems like a weird reaction to come out

There’s a lot of “sorry Trans folk, but this ain’t it” type attitudes in the comments here, way more than I expected.

Are Trans people having head-canons about Gwen being trans really a problematic thing, or taking anything away from someone who doesn’t find the evidence compelling? Just sort of confused as to the

Huh, neat.

Hm...I like this line of thinking. I’m starting to see some of the aesthetic and tonal parallels between XVI and Vagrant Story, now that you mention it.

Even ATB is still a completely different gameplay feel and experience than an action RPG, so I get why people who are long time fans are wary. And I’m saying this as someone who’s relatively excited for FFXVI.

Good point, I haven’t personally tried to attach a fan in mid-air.

I’m definitely going to practice it as soon as I can though, lol