
They feel very similarly fast, though you can attach rockets and/or fans to the wing to make it go faster.

Nope, one just a different way to solve the same problem.

You know, I’m starting to think that these games aren’t about giving you the freedom to do whatever the hell you want to. If it was, they’d have gotten rid of weapon degradation, items that are consumable, rain-slick surfaces, etc.

Instead, it very much seems like the design of these games is based around letting the

This is the sort of thing where I can understand the reasoning people have for not liking the weapon degradation, but I’m going to be selfish and say that I love the way TotK handles it’s weapon systems and would have been super disappointed if they had just made it like other Zelda item systems. It feels fresh, I

For sure, for sure. Giving the player more options, intended or no, is always a good thing in my book.

I don’t really see anyone asking for it to be patched out. Not everything has to turn into an “easy mode in Dark Souls” type of conversation.

Oh, well, obviously it’s a clickbait title. It just seems off to me to bristle at the specific word “economy” when it’s been used in this context for single-player games for awhile now. It’s shorthand for “it unbalances or accelerates the intended progression”, basically.

I mean, we all know single-player games do have a resource economy that is designed and balanced by the devs. Sometimes it’s a critical element of design like in Survival Horror, sometimes it’s just a currency you spend on cosmetics or other non-important things.

To your point, there is no real consequence to breaking

Just tested this myself in a few minutes, super easy to do.

(Kinja doubled my comment for some reason)

My only recommendation is that I’d leave it on Normal for the first island, just so you can get the on-screen prompts for the new abilities and such. Once you’re comfortable, I feel like Pro is the way to go for minimum distractions.

Yeah, I started with Pro but then decided to keep it on Normal until I left the tutorial island for that exact reason. Went back to Pro after, seems to have been the right move.

I can empathize with the people that miss the paraglider for a long time, though I’ve come up with my own system to manage this sort of thing.

Most games trained me to ignore the main quest so I don’t get locked out of side content, I feel like many people have a similar impulse. But eventually, more recent open world

I’ve gotten used to the Japanese VO, which I really like, so I’ll watch an LP or see my husband playing and the English VO is just so jarring! Zelda in particular just sounds...off. Like her emotions don’t match the scene.

I am a bit sad that by switching to the Japanese VO I’ll miss out on Mercer Gandondorf, lol

lol, eat shit HummDingler

They did not, they’re blacklisted by Nintendo for reporting on things like Switch Emulation, leaks, etc.

Honestly, good for Kotaku. Access journalism sucks.

I’m pretty sure BotW is around the same size, ~16 gigs on the cart

Now playing

A recent video from GMT actually goes into this, at least in the sense of the issues that the dev team had as they were playtesting and the ways they used the geography of the open world to “solve” those problems and guide player exploration in a way that other open worlds weren’t really doing.

Edit: Also, I don’t

I could maybe see if you were saying pirating [nintendo games] wasn’t morally wrong”

Yeah, that’s exactly what they/we are saying

The in-game plot is a bit sparse, sure, but a video that capture a bit of the experience (as opposed to just the “story”) and catches us up for the sequel is still nice.