
I don’t actually think that streamer paid for it, apparently all of the accounts with over 1 mil. followers got the checkmark back automatically without notice.

Ew, gross.

If you’re not the type of person they’re trying to scam with these apparently “worthless” MTX’s then yeah I suppose it wouldn’t have much effect on your time with the game. Like I said though, there are people who avoid MTX games for a reason and this sort of “we’ll just patch them in after release” always feels

It’s the “sneak it in after launch” thing for me that makes this feel gross. They did it on purpose because they know there are plenty of people who don’t buy MTX games out of principle or otherwise would criticize the game heavily for it in reviews and such.

You’re not fooling anyone.

Act-Blizz is getting sued for violating US federal labor law by illegally spying/surveying on their employees during a union drive.

Wow, Blizzard is getting pretty good at this “release a OW character with a high ‘diversity’ score (their metric, not mine) to distract from a new story about our shitty labor practices” thing.

They must have a system in place, characters held in reserve behind “break in case of controversy” glass, that sort of thing.

I thought I’d feel similar, but recently I’m a bit more relaxed about it. Maybe I’m just getting older and have less patience.

I didn’t have someone beat them for me like the article describes, but I summoned some help for the final boss after a few tries because I was 160+ hours in and I just wanted to beat the thing.


Mistake in the article, he actually pleaded NOT guilty to those two charges.

Only came here to point this out, lol

Right? I love it

For sure. Just speaking to why myself and others were really excited by the nemesis system, and want to see it explored and expanded on in more places.

Maybe I’m biased, stuff like procedural generation and emergent narrative still works wonders for me. I don’t need it to be too complicated to get a lot out of it.

Edit: Though it goes without saying, having that system improved and expanded on would be sick too. I feel like the potential of the system got people

Flavor and presentation counts for a lot.

Same here, I was hoping they would do more.

BUT, the small changes they did make in that direction, as outlined in this article, make me think that I’d like this more than the 1st. And I did really like what I played from the 1st game, even if the lack of story cohesion caused me to fall off of it after chapter 3 for

I also did a bunch of sidequests like usual when playing an RPG, but the sense of urgency for the main quest still felt weird and ever-present. I can completely understand where Luke is coming from and why he might have felt that pushing through the main story was what the game was trying to get him to do.

Then again,

Some comments, huh? So a few people are being hyperbolic or mean online, and that’s supposed to reflect the overall sentiment held by people speaking out against the game and the setting it is based on?

Accuse me of propping up a strawman if you want, like I said I’m just making a pretty non-controversial observation

Oh it’s not all nice, sure. I’ve see a few tweets that go overboard, a screenshot everyone likes to share of a few people in a twitch chat being jerks (on the INTERNET!? No way). Overall though? The actual real stuff people are talking about once you get past the initial online reactions? It’s disappointment from

There’s a difference between being an “irredeemable demon” and “saying you care more about playing a video game than anti-trans bigotry”. The former is hyperbole, the latter is just an observation. If that observation makes the person playing feel bad, that’s a feeling they should work out for themselves.

There’s also

People are going to hem and haw about that first sentence, but it’s still worth pointing out imo. It’s an easy ask, but they act like any sort of mild criticism or disappointment at the choice to buy/stream the game is equal to discrimination and harassment. It’s not, but they feel like they’re entitled to both enjoy