
Years of good will and chunky updates after a rough launch, I’d imagine.

Also, your username checks out, haha...

Not as flashy as that original header image.

...I’ll see myself out.

That’s what I strive for, for sure.

Yeah, that’s my general outlook nowadays; it’s more a matter of deprogramming those min-max impulses when it comes to story and narrative content.

This is the sort of anxiety I feel in almost any game I play that lets me choose character dialogue or otherwise influence the narrative by imposing my perspective, morals and ideals.

I’m replaying Kotor II right now and I’m constantly bumping up against that impulse; I strive for naturalistic in-the-moment decisions,


What are the microtransactions paying for?”

Edit: Nevermind, re-read your comment and realized I misunderstood

Not mad, just confused :\

Man...the microtransactions bum me out something fierce. I really want to fall in love with this game, but as-is it feels tainted.

And it’s a shame too because what’s there is really good. You can tell they put thought into the touch-screen controls, they gamifiy altruism and friendship in interesting ways, the secrets

Yep! I’m playing it on my iPad Air

I’m with you on the microtransactions, but I’m not sure what you mean by “a dumbed down version of Journey”?

I’ve had an Oculus for several years, at this point I’m a full convert.

It’s absolutely changed my life, BoxVR got me into fitness and between that and Beat Saber I’m in the best shape of my life. I’ve also been putting a lot of time into “Vader Immortal”, it only has a couple hours worth of story (more to come later

Player choice!

Prepare to Di-

...wait no I’m getting confused. Let me try again.


No inclination to do this kind of stuff while I’m playing, but I’m always impressed by how much work and cooperation goes into building out these glitches and tricks.

Yeah, I flubbed that vocab test while having a brain fart. Just “ultimate” is fine.

I think I get your overall point, “advancement” doesn’t necessarily have to mean “improvement” in the context of the time it was created.

But I’m not quite making the leap to a lack of advancement being seen as an inherent flaw, and that those that don’t see it as such are “living in the past”. Can you clarify?

I understand the idea, things like JRPGs while not obsolete have had various quality of life-improvements added to make them arguably better off (turn off random battles/adjust frequency, fast travel, etc.) but I don’t really get that sense when it comes to Bloodstained vs. Hollow Knight vs. Dead Cells etc.

I mean, I

The system was abstracted out and gamified in the original partly due to limitations (having it affect the story in a overarching yet still granular way would require a lot of extra writing and dev time) and partly so that player would have opportunities to get back into the good graces of vampire society and not just