
In the original game, vampire hunters would start coming after you and if you got a set amount (5 violations I think) you straight up get a “you’re too dangerous to live” bad ending.

It’d be cool if they had something similar but made it a little less binary, have conversations change and such based on just how much

I...don’t really see any of that as a negative.

The rain can be an obstacle just like enemies, both require either adjusting your strategy (“I can do this, but I have to be smart about it”), adjusting your expectations (“I wanted to do this now but I don’t have the resources/patience, come back later”) or burning

Not true, actually; you can time your leaps and gain height even when it’s raining. It burns through stamina like no-one’s business, but if you have stamina restore and max stamina up food you can restore it mid-climb. If it’s ever been raining and coming at the climb from another angle isn’t an option and I

That was the one time the rain got me genuinely frustrated. But once it was done the rain never bothered me again, so honestly I’ll take that one instance for what I felt it added to the game overall.

I pretty much agree with everything you laid out.

In regards to climbing even when it was raining, I had a very similar experience; very rarely was I ever hard-blocked from getting to where I wanted, it just meant I needed to run around a bit and find a way up that wasn’t as sheer or that had more ledges. Even then, if

My only real hope for this sequel is that weapons all break in one hit and if it’s raining they instantly rust/rot if you’re holding them.

Really, the game should just add hail at this point. I want my weather to not just impede my movement but apply DoT and status effects as well.

I think of the rain the same as I think of the weapon durability: it’s a deliberate design choice that means the player has to adapt or utilize additional resources if they want to accomplish their goal. It’s a restriction on the player power fantasy, the assumption that you can just climb anything you want at any

Ah, fair enough.

I’m pretty easy, for me I’d think “oh well this is clearly an alternate reality/interpretation of Seattle or something” and try to note all of the subtle differences, try to connect them to lore, etc.

Probably giving game devs too much credit, but it definitely helps with stuff like this.

What do you mean?

Personally, I like to roll the dice (I’m sorry) and use RNG tables for stuff like this. It’s how I ended up w/my first Halfling character, and he’s been one of my favorites.

I’ve been playing through FF7 with that great re-translation mod “Beacause” and if this most recent run has made me realize anything, it’s that I want them to go balls-to-the-wall with this remake and really flesh out these characters; even the improvement of just not having a bad translation and characters using

Breath of the Wild is a masterpiece with a few objective flaws (enemy/boss variety, namely, but there are others) and a many subjective ones (durability/weather effects, lack of discrete dungeons, etc.)

That’s fair, thinking about the lyrics of “Believer” makes my eyes want to roll out of the back of my head; I listen to butt-rock when I’m in a certain mood and Imagine Dragons definitely scratches that itch (though I don’t think they’re as extreme as something you’d see in, say, a 3D Sonic game).

For those acoustic

Honestly, I thought I didn’t like Imagine Dragons AT ALL until I started listening to the acoustic versions of their songs; for me there’s really good stuff there, but the mainstream versions on the radio feel so over-produced :\

I’ve been holding off, but if this game is essentially Chivalry w/out spinning Zweihanders/”Close Friends” + Mount & Blade combat then I’m buying it yesterday

I just...don’t like playing games that make me feel like a hamster in a wheel or a statistic on a page.

That’s all I can think of w/these kinds of games :\

To be fair to folks who find the Krypt a bit “ick” in general, it doesn’t have to be possible to get 100% of the skins through MT’s for the manipulative aspect of the microtransactions to have an effect on the play experience.

Came down here to say this exactly, they’re selling you a “solution” to a “problem” that they put in the first place; the glibness is downright insulting.

You know what you should do when you find most of your players find a feature a frustrating time-sink? Rebalance it via a patch like any decent developer would do.

Interestingly enough, I always feel the best thing to do is scrap whatever 100+ hour save file I have when there’s a huge update for this game. Did it w/the Atlas update, did it with Next, and will do it again for VR shenanigans. I just love seeing things from a fresh perspective w/out any of the old baggage that may

Based on what I’ve seen, The Division 2 actually doesn’t have as much of a “bullet sponge” problem as the first game.