
(tha’s the joke)

It just reeks of defeatism. Call me an idealist I guess, but I haven’t accepted the inevitability of loot boxes.

See, that’s Donte butt.

It’s appreciated, but I won’t rest until the genuine article is on display.

“Until we know more, I feel that we should at least lament the fact that ... there’s no comparable male nudity on display in Devil May Cry 5"

It’s really sad to me that the response to a lot of these comments is “well do you expect them to go away any time soon?” I mean, I get the framing of the article: loot boxes exist and aren’t going away, here’s how this Call of Duty game does it “better” than other CoDs.

But the issue is that for many players, the

Ah, so it was more of a “Soft Brick”.

defending loot boxes...because “businesses gotta make money”

“If the shitty system was so shitty, no one would use it”

That’s...not true at all. Have you never heard of consumer manipulation?

“He’s...he’s not grabbing the bar. I don’t think this guy knows how to play DDR.

Come on, you know as well as I do that at least 75% of Beat Saber videos are people streaming on Twitch w/their custom camera mod that shows how cool they look getting FC on Expert++ as Unity-Chan.

Hm...I always have mixed feelings when I see high-level Beat Saber play. In-game it looks really impressive but the actions themselves translate to a lot of waving your arms in front of you w/really intense wrist flicking, and less natural slicing/dancing movements which is where I feel Beat Saber really shines.


I’ve enjoyed the Gummi ship sections in all the games, KH1 didn’t age well but I had fun at the time.

I’m really diggin’ how they’re implemented in KH3. Can’t wait to dig into the customization.

“They’re good dogs, Brent” is a meme and I’m terrible.

My KH-lore addled brain read that as Roxas feeling like it’s been forever, and Sora was just sort of feeling that.

Another self-aware joke honestly makes more sense.

Hm...I wonder if we’ll ever see the combat design from episode Duscae pop up again. I was super disappointed when I played through it right before playing the platinum demo and realized that all of the cool weapon-switching and unique elements of the combat from Duscae got dropped for a more straight-forward system.

They’re good tips, Brent.

Seriously though, it’s like you traveled into the future and pulled these from my brain after I had already played the game for 40 hours. Now I can shortcut the trial-and-error and just start hammering away at proud mode.

I assume you played on standard difficulty?

Man, if you’re past it then you shouldn’t have an issue with the positive expressions of that progress. The goal is complete acceptance and normalization but we’re not quite there yet and so you’re going to see people praising representation because a lot of them think it’s still needed.

If you have a problem with that

Hm...I feel like I’d enjoy this competitive scene more if they gave points for style and flair.

Seeing insane reaction times is cool and all but it’s even more impressive to me if you’ve got the groove to go with it.

I mean, I’d argue that “GOTY” is an equally arbitrary and subjective “pat on the back”; the only difference is how much trust you personally put in the person who is making the judgement. Similarly, you could argue every piece of entertainment is “pushing an agenda” to some extent, it’s just some people like certain

Honestly, once they announced the changes they wanted to make pretty much any issue I would have is gone. It seems like they just didn’t consider the implication of certain scenes and now they’re clarifying the difference between “you pragmatically had a child to continue lineage” and “you fell in love and had a kid”