
Hard disagree. I know plenty of players who were sorcerers their first time through and had a blast kiting and shooting magic missles and whatnot.

I get that veteran players have strong opinions about builds, I used to be like that. But eventually it became clear how limiting that perspective is and how much better it

Sure, I’m just speaking to the phrasing of your original comment. Seemed very absolute.

Grinding only gets you so far. At a certain point an axe to the face is an axe to the face, and you gotta get good at not getting hit by that axe.

Not necessarily true. There is some madmen’s knowledge sprinkled around central Yharnam if you know where to look.

My tip for them is to get one down to half-health or so, then use a shaman bone blade on one of them. They’ll fight each-other and one will most likely win, then you only have to deal with one.

I think you’re confusing “viable” with “meta-approved”. Any build in Dark Souls is viable for PvE, and most are for PvP unless you’re doing fight clubs and getting really serious about it.

For my household, unlocking fighters as we play more and more is all part of the charm of the game, it’s exciting.

I get where Gita is coming from, but I wouldn’t want them to change how it is now.

That kind of thinking doesn’t surprise me with these “lifestyle” type games, where one game is pretty much a 2nd job/full-time hobby.

When something is such a huge part of your life like that, you’re going to engage with it on as many levels as possible.

Journey by thatgamecompany and Annapurna Interactive

Especially as a “community manager”.

Way to bungle your actual job, guy.

I’m in a similar boat when it comes to Expert. Luckily they added challenge modifiers in the recent update, I found that practicing on hard mode at 150% speed helps me push through that wall for Expert songs. You can also play the expert songs at 50% speed, which helps with recognizing and memorizing the various

If I understand Dave’s point correctly, he’s saying to force them to play it as a single-player game.

It’s practically a different game from when you last played.

I mean, the structure is still generally the same, but everything is just better. You can build bases pretty much wherever you want now, for instance.

Right? From my perspective it takes more work than not to make this version of the mechanics as uncomfortable as the author does.

But hey, if that makes the game more interesting for folks, more power to ‘em.

My plan today when I get home is to load up the game and just practice the joy-con Pokeball throwing until I’m decent at it.

Not the easiest path, but I want to give it a shot. Apparently if you use the joycon/pokeball plus for your throws you get a technique bonus, and while that doesn’t make up for how much more

I’m not looking for/at anything, I offered a possible answer to your question as to why they didn’t go with a direct adaptation.

Regardless of motivations I’ll take the movie for what it is, good or bad.

Probably because that story’s being/already been told in dozens of ways across multiple mediums.

Let me guess, they learn cockfighting is all about friendship :D

Damn, another reason to play a great game that’s just sitting in my backlog.

“But I would not be surprised if the events of Delta Rune ended up creating the world that we see in Undertale.”

To directly answer the headline, “clenching your butt-cheeks and whispering fervent prayers to your deity/philosophical concept of choice.”

The fact that I can witness this through my Oculus Headset seems appropriately dystopian.