
Exactly, hahaha...

Reminds me why I fully enjoy SP Elder Scrolls games but bounced-off hard on Elder Scrolls: Online; nobody had any patience for my gawking at the environments or reading through the books I found, etc.

I found a perfect RP server + Guild in Champions Online back in the day and have been chasing that immersive,

Good rule.

Fair enough, that sounds pretty straight-forward.

I’d argue a better analogy would be giving directions to somebody not from the area by referring to a local building vs. handing them a phone with google maps open and telling them “yeah, just follow that until you’re there”.

To be fair, you never “need” these kinds of things in the sense that you can technically complete the game without them, but they’re generally pushed through the game design.

Are you saying that you haven’t noticed any of that sort of pressure from the game? Most who are critical of that Polygon writer’s stance on the

My reply was mostly tongue-in-cheek, for the record. For my actual thoughts on the quote, Matt put it much better than I would have.

It’s really something only other Spider-people would understand :\

Might want to check out Secular Talk and/or The Jimmy Dore show if you haven’t already. Don’t agree with them on everything but they’re sincere and passionate progressives.

You could say that it’ll be a real...Wild West out there, huh?


We shouldn’t coddle people and keep them from learning real-world lessons, but I don’t think that’s what this article represents. I still believe that media has amazing capabilities to introduce/reinforce ideas and get people thinking, consider different perspectives, even to help work through emotional baggage, even

Wait, does that mean that you can play the traditional 3rd-person mode in VR? With proper depth and whatnot? Because if so that’s fantastic.

The way I read these things is that the fiction is more to help with self-reflection, using the relatability of the characters as a sort of stepping stone. Something that bolsters a sense of self rather than defines it, or that simply helps with ignoring the anxiety in the moment.

People should build real-life

Looking at her site, she’s on the right side of pretty much every issue. It may be a long shot, but the more progressives we can get in the less power the donors have and the more likely we are to get some much-needed change in this country.

I’ll be rooting for her.

I’m not even trolling, but is that last paragraph a Kotaku inside-joke or something? I swear I’ve read that exact paragraph in another article before, and it’s so specific I’m curious if there’s a story behind it.

Edit: It’s also possible I’m just experiencing intense Deja Vu, but I could have sworn I saw it before.

Well, agree to disagree I suppose. Clearly we have two different value systems at work here.

Gun lobby does not pay all that much. What they offer is that people like me will vote in their favor.

Fair enough. I’d argue it’s not surprise, but justified indignation you’re seeing. Accepting what the gun lobby is doing feeds into the idea that we should allow corporations to buy our politicians, when that has all but been proven to cause all sorts of problems and hinder our ability to mitigate them as a society.


That’s fine. It just means we have opposing views on this topic.

You said you don’t “get” the problem people have with the gun industry lobbying and fighting for their personal profits at the expense of all else. I explained why many would have a problem with that. You’re free to root for your horse in this race, but

I’m speaking to the inherent conflict of interest in regards to the gun lobby and government action to enact gun restrictions. The federal background check system is notoriously underfunded, understaffed, and underresourced, which gun industries also lobby for (because it helps them sell more guns). Again, profit