
The issue with this being about “gun industry profits” is that the gun manufacturers are heavily motivated to lobby the government to shut down any gun regulation whatsoever. Even if it makes sense or is otherwise necessary to stem the tide of gun deaths in the country, to make more money they will try to shut down

I mean...yeah, it actually is.

That tweet is a bit silly and pre-loads a lot of assumptions about the audience.

But let’s be completely fair here, they didn’t say “anyone who disagrees” they said people who “feel under attack.”. I would tend to agree that people who feel personally attacked by the article are being a bit silly.

That’s always my metric. Jokes can be offensive, but if they’re not punching down and are clever I’ll laugh at a joke at my expense or the expense of other things I identify with.

But when everyone is making the same offensive joke over and over, there’s no cleverness. It actually stops being funny, and once a joke

Yeah, for that type of player NMS is going to be sorely lacking. It all depends on what you’re looking for.

For me, I was looking for something that let me explore space and land on planets, and while the original release was too rough (i.e. planet generation was a bit boring and the survival got in the way of

I hear the complaint about the launch-thrusters fairly consistently; if you’ll have it, my advice for it is three-fold: first, put some initial time to stock up on fuel rather than living “planet to planet”, as it were. It trades constantly searching for fuel as you’re doing other things for a bit of time investment

It sounds like making the case that a game’s value is determined by its mechanical loops and rewards more than anything else. That doesn’t say much for things like the unique way games allow us to experience things aesthetically in a 3D space, or create a soundscape, or induce a certain state of mind in the player

Well, for me that experience of putting in the work to have that freedom is as much a part of the game as the activities you can do when you have all the money and slots in the world. NMS has always been more about the journey than the destination for me and the entire beginning of the game feels completely different,

I’m going to give the opposite opinion of the two above me and say that you should definitely restart. You won’t miss content if you play your old save, yes, but the early-game experience is much better and completely different from before.

Oof. You’re right. I got so focused on GTA5's release (it and RDR1 were the only ones I really got invested in) that I wasn’t fully considering the company’s pretty beefy PC release history prior to RDR1. I can’t really say that it won’t arbitrarily happen again with this game, so my point is moot.

Well, now we have hope + precedent from GTA5, so not just hope. And you’re right in that it won’t be anytime soon, but that’s where my current backlog comes in.

All I’m sayin’ is that RDR1 for PC at the time was a hope and a prayer, RDR2 for PC is a likely business decision based on recent practices. Doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed, nothing ever is, but it’s a different kind of situation.

If you’re talking when the game was first released, I was there; there was not a general agreement that they were going to release it on PC. It was always something that people clung to with hope and desperation. Even the push for a remaster recently was founded on nothing more than hope and hype.

Nowadays we have GTA5

This is what gives me comfort: it will almost assuredly be released on PC at some point, probably a year or two down the line, and it’s not like I have a huge need for new games right this very second.

Pretty sure it’s the same guy.

I assumed they were referring to how Dark Souls for the Switch was delayed to work on optimization, and “if Dark Souls can do it, so can [Dead Cells]”.

I mean, it’s some frame drops on a Switch port from a small indie team. I understand the sentiment of not agreeing with their decision, but for me it stops well short of any sort of problematic business practice.

The alternative was pushing it back to November at the earliest, but they assumed that a lot of players

Sure, but in context this is pretty tame and understandable; they made a decision to release the game, listened to feedback, and pivoted their priorities after weighing their options while being transparent and sincere the whole time.

Some players are getting a glitch where it does just say “resource deposit” for all of them. No one is sure what’s causing it yet.

Their moves also have slightly different properties.