
This isn’t just affecting players with old saves, it’s happening to players who started fresh with the new update too.

Hell, if it results in a quality game like Dead Cells then they’re clearly doing something right.

But on a serious note, worker collectives are a great idea that are actually extremely viable in many fields and industries.

The game is chill, but that doesn’t mean it has no consequences or danger. The environment may be trying to kill you but the game gives you everything you need to survive even on your first planet.

Some early advice for basic survival, look for glowing yellow plants to recharge your hazard protection, and if you are

Have faith, nanites no longer take up inventory space and your initial exosuit inventory is significantly larger :)

Take it from me, it’s totally worth starting over again and I’d argue that’s the best way to experience the NEXT (i.e. current) update.

Yeah, that sort of investment is hard to let go. I actually lean towards fresh starts nowadays, but it took work to get to that point; I had to learn to get over my younger brother deleting my 100% Kingdom Hearts save when we were kids (my mother informed me that murdering him was not a valid option) and ever since

(Arbitrary double-post, thank you Kinja)

I’d still recommend starting over, if only because things are so different that you probably want that improved tutorial that walks you through the general gameplay loop and introduces the new mechanics.

No problem! Yeah, for a hot minute I thought I had just lost 200 carbon (not too big of a deal but annoying) but then I checked my inventory and there it was. Tried w/condensed carbon and got the appropriate amount of regular carbon back, which makes me wonder if that’s a more efficient form of turning C+ into regular

I have two personal tips, milage may vary:

1. (more of an addendum to one of the above rules) If you put your portable refiner into your inventory and it has fuel in it, the fuel will be returned to your inventory as base carbon (even if you used condensed carbon); this is not immediately obvious.

2. Start a new save

Yeah. This update makes it one of the best zen space exploration games out there and hones it’s initial premise, but if the game’s basic loop wasn’t appealing NEXT won’t suddenly make someone a convert.

I haven’t played for quite awhile, but the muscle memory kicked in at some point last night and I flung myself off of a tall cliff. Such fun.

You want to do a melee strike (which accelerates you forward quickly) into a jump/jetpack thrust. This will propel you into the air as usual but you’ll maintain the forward

I had similar thoughts when I started playing the update, but I chalk it up to me still trying to work with all of the old recipes/strategies/habits I had built up. Once I got used to the new systems and elements, it was actually much more intuitive. And weirdly enough, even though there are more steps, I like that

At least he added updates to the video in the form of comments.

Yeah; I don’t mind the self-referencing when the execution is completely on-point, but without that it just feels like undeserved self-adulation.

It did, and I did play a bit of Insomnia, but honestly it was


the time skip right before that was the final straw; I thought they were going to actually do something with it but everyone just grew beards goatees and then it’s all “okay, now go to the last dungeon”. I literally got one scene where Noctis

I was in denial right up until the message “when you leave the area, the final battle will commence” message.

Don’t want to get into spoilers, but if you got that far I’m sure you know what I’m talking about. I was expecting another 3rd of the game to make up for what had been a lot of sidequests and not much else, and

Not sure if you meant to respond to me or not, but your comment leaves me confused. Can you clarify your point?

There’s a “creative” mode that unlocks pretty much everything from the start. That might be what you’re looking for.

Ah, that’s reading comp. failure on my part. My apologies.