
I think I read it in the Waypoint interview that came out recently, but I’m pretty sure Sean said that there’s a website they’re working on for exactly that purpose.

I understand the sentiment, but I’d rather they focus on the general animal AI (seeing stuff like herds and intelligent predators and such) rather than them spending that time and effort getting something so specific and ostensibly rare.

That last thing Hello Games should be doing now is overextending themselves.

Considering that development means constantly prioritizing how you use your resources, they probably just decided it wasn’t worth putting all those resources and specific adjustments to the algorithms (and all the testing that involves) into something that would be extremely rare anyway. It doesn’t fit with the rest

Here’s exactly what Chatoyance said:

That person was asking about an epilogue or 2nd half of the game; this optional post-game dungeon does not really seem to be that.

They’re trying to thread the needle between JRPG and open-world, and I get where you’re coming from. I’m the kind of person that will try to take a game on its own terms rather than be upset over what it isn’t. I’ve read a few reviews, and they echo some of these sentiments but mostly liked the game.

But I’m torn. If

Designing a game around it’s central premise? Get outta here with that crazy talk!

Off-camera Amethyst rest breaks >.>

My personal recommendation is to watch the Re-Cut of Phantom Blood for the initial context (much better pacing than the full season imo) and then watch the full season of Battle Tendency (Joseph is one of the best Jojo’s in the series).

If you really need to, you can just read a synopsis of Phantom Blood, but I would

To me, she didn’t pretend to not know her, she simply expressed indignation that Steven would assume she did. That Steven was right only made her more defensive.

...to be fair, I’m sure if I watched the episode again it probably comes across like she doesn’t know Yellow Pearl at all, but memory is a fickle thing and

I gave up after way longer than that, at least 60 hours. There was a part near the end that felt like a straight-up insult to my time and intelligence and I have no plans on finishing that game.

I reject the idea that a cohesive artstyle and direction has nothing to do with asset use. Obviously you need to make sure you choose assets that gel with your hand-made ones, you need to pick assets that work well together and give the game a sense of aesthetic unity and character, etc.

PUBG looks generic with no

Eh, for me it’s more about having a cohesive artstyle than some arbitrary indignation that they didn’t make something from scratch.

If you use assets from various sources, it’s going to look like it, and I think that’s worth pointing out if we’re talking about how good the game looks and feels.

Yeah! I want my publications to worry about maintaining access and not pissing industry people off more than anything else. That’s what leads to good content /s

Do you have a source on Microsoft’s public disavowing of timed exclusives? I can’t find something to that effect with a cursory google search

Like I said, the most generous reading.

The Rusty Iron Ring is actually found on a return trip to the Undead Asylum, fyi

If we’re going with the ideology, players should just jump in without these tips.

Ah, so it’s also good for “blowing off steam”?


“And Endless Runner That’s Great for Blowing Off Steam