
“Mass Effect Andromeda was a good game.”

...nobody should get death threats. That is my response to that statement.

...okay, several puzzle pieces of my childhood suddenly slipped into place. I saw that movie completely isolated form everything else and I loved how surreal and interesting it was.

Well, since the game was originally designed to be grindy this is probably the best they could do with the time they had.

Don’t plan on picking up the game, first impressions and backlog and all that, but now I’m slightly more optimistic that Anthem will not step in quite as much feces as Battlefront II did.

Well no, it doesn’t. That’s because it’s expressing part of problem and being rather reductive just like the comments it highlights.

I think you’re under the assumption I’m defending the OP’s original comment; I was arguing against that since before I replied to you. I’m also not trying to invalidate your response to

If you read my other comments I’m actually arguing against the OP in that way and asking them to think about the fan reaction in a more nuanced manner. My comment to you was a separate tangent, to highlight the sort of mentality that the OP was coming from. Because, while theirs was a semi-extreme position to begin

While I love and support this perspective on enjoying games...personally this kind of stuff will ruin my immersion faster than you can say “oh right, I’m not actually a badass knight wandering through a fantasy land filled with wonder and magic.” It’s actually caused tension in multiplayer games where I feel like the

Yeah, it’s totally understandable. I really think it boils down to how we as humans tend to be at expressing themselves on the internet. It’s really easy to present the most extreme version of yourself and your ideas.

And don’t get me wrong, I can understand where these whiners are coming from and still find them

I’m not ignoring it, if you read my comments to the OP it should be apparent that I wouldn’t find Konami’s handling of the series (or their games devision in general) to be anything to be proud of. I’m trying to establish that it’s just as much a mobile-gaming thing as it is a konami/castlevania thing.

I’ve seen enough people whining about anything that’s a mobile game out of principle with everything to know that the people the OP are describing exist. Just as the people with more nuanced opinions (or at least the will to express them) like yourself exist.

They may not be rejecting it “simply because” it’s on

I more just meant it was personally useful for me to have proper perspective on the company’s priorities/PR style. As you stated, the inherent motivations are clear.

As another commentor mentioned above, loot boxes are a particularly problematic way of handling MT’s. It’s straight-up gambling psy-ops, at least with paying to reduce wait time you had a direct and understandable investment of your money. With loot boxes, you’re buying lottery tickets.

Basically, there are better and

Some people really like interactive wallpaper.

Well obviously the answer to any problematic business practice is “because it’ll make us more money”, but how their official statement differs from that (usually “we want to give the players choice!”) is still a decent datapoint to have on hand.

I think that’s what the OP is referring to though, the inherent and reactionary nature with which a lot of people immediately reject any mobile game out of principle.

There are plenty of “console-quality” mobile games out there, and as long as the game is good then the OP’s assertion that it is a smart business move to

I understand all that and I also roll my eyes at the shallow whining on display in comment sections. I guess my main point is those sort of people are expressing a reductive version of the issue that they’re really mad about, which is what mobile games generally are like and they’ve attached that stereo-type to most

It’s not so much that it’s a mobile game for me (I love playing non-MT games on my phone/iPad) but that purely profit-driven mobile games tend to just not be very high quality products that respect that player’s time or are worth investing into. Cynically using an existing IP to get that extra bit o’ dosh out of fans

That last sentence should say “instead of one or two plateaus” :\

To be fair, it’s not like last GoW game was catching people’s attention. The new game is a bit of a pastiche, sure, but it also has the history and context of the previous games. For fans like me, that does set it apart from other open-ish-world games. I like the new story and tone direction, and I understand that

The PSP God of War games deserve just as much attention and praise as their mainline games, if not more imo; they actually flesh out the story and Kratos’s character more so than those games by magnitudes (aside from perhaps the first game.)

The true Kratos for me isn’t the one that is just mad he remembers killing his

To be fair, it’s only one comment thread.