
Sounds like you have a chip on your shoulder, bud.

You could take it any number of ways; it’s all based on perspective.

Your name.

Hm...I think I’ll pick up the lockpicking and volumetric lighting, but I actually really like a lot of the design elements the other mods are removing.

That’s why mods are awesome I suppose, you take what you like and leave the rest.

Not saying I’m hunky-dory with foreign governments (or agents of foreign governments, etc.) trying to push their finger down on the scales of our election system, but this Russian stuff just seems so...ineffectual? Look into it, make sure our elections are secure from undue outside influence, but maybe not have these

It’s a good’un

This is exactly the sort of thing I want to happen with my expensive electronic devices, to arbitrarily and completely stop working due to software concerns entirely outside of my control.

It’s great. Really.

This is the PC release that finally gets me to invest in a SSD for my games library.

I need the name of the album that this is a cover for.

I guess the millions of dollars he got from the NRA during his campaign is really paying off.

Scapegoat harder, POTUS :\

What do you mean “works differently”? Does it just take less hits to cut/break parts when solo or is it more complex than that?

“This game is far too slow and clunky to be fun alone.”

I mostly play solo and have been having a great time, right now I want to take every new area and monster in and really soak it in.

Every once in awhile I forget to set my status to “Offline” and I immediately get invited to a group by every one of my half-dozen friends playing the game at the time.

Maybe I don’t want

Cool your jets, it was a joke. A bad one.

Calm down noble internet fallacy warrior, it wasn’t a particularly serious statement. Poe’s Law and all that.

I’m not saying anything about politics in games. I meant that I liked both and am giving up on both, as a joke. One that has failed horribly as demonstrated by me needing to clarify it was a joke.

I meant I was giving up on both politics AND video games, things I’m interested in, because this one democratic senator did this one minor thing.

It was supposed to be tongue-in-cheek, clearly my phrasing was off.

Well, I disagree that the democrats are fighting for dreamers in any real sense or are against tax cuts for the wealthy, if they were they would have actually fought instead of trusting the republicans and rolling over for them. They’re all bark and no bite. That being said, I’d also phrase it as “I think they should

Sorry, I can see that my phrasing could be taken that way. I didn’t mean to say politics doesn’t have place in gaming, just that I’d be so disillusioned that I’d give up on both.

...if this is the policy democrats can actually build the muster to rally around, I’m done. Video games and politics, I’m just done :\