
This is neat, and I think players going outside of the bounds of the game and making their own techniques (intended or otherwise) is a cool part of games in general.

That being said, as someone who doesn’t personally get much out of breaking games (OP moves/strategies, exploits, etc) I’m a bit disappointed to see it’s

Angry coordinated mobs are a problem, but also not partnered with Valve like game publishers are. It’s a distinction worth noting.

Wow, thank you for the write-up! That’ll definitely help me from getting too worked up over things I couldn’t have known otherwise :)

Regarding #5...obscure hints hidden in NPC dialogue is my crack, haha

I mean...I’m super grateful to the wiki community for sure, but I try to to not rely on those except as a last resort; I love figuring out and chewing on game myself for as long as possible, and try limit my exposure to the meta that builds outside of the game. It’s why I absolutely love the quality-of-life changes

That’s the thing though, these series are **already** “services”. They’re just not multiplayer, so it’s less obvious, but they’re making these single-player games huge sandboxes that they are constantly updating for the same reasons they’re making multiplayer games that they are contantly updating.

It all falls under

An entertainment/artistic industry being gobbled up, torn apart, repackaged, and homogenized by unfettered, unabashed profit motive; a tale as old as time.

I mean, video games are a “newer” entertainment medium, but it’s still surprising that people expect anything out of a big corporation anything other than what will

Oh man, ‘Alto’s Adventure’ is one of my favorite iOS games to go back to on my iPad. So chill, so relaxing, no pressure, but there was enough mechanical depth to keep me engaged for longer than a single run.

Can’t wait!

Completionists gotta complete

That’s a better example, honestly; they actually expect you to try and get all those feathers, not so with the seeds.

...no you’re not.

What if they’re looking for support, though? Isn’t that counter-productive?

I mean, I get that a stream isn’t the ideal place to reach out but reporting/deleting seems bad in the opposite direction. Maybe if they’re spamming for attention or something, I can understand moderating that, but just discussion?

If his employer feels that him stating those opinions in a public way that they’re facilitating (i.e. streaming) would lead to anyone taking their life, then the decision is less “he’s fired for his opinions” and more “he’s fired for potentially convincing our players and his viewers to kill themselves”.

I get where

To be fair, he had lost all sensation below the waist. He probably had no idea what was goin’ on down there.

Oh wow, I didn’t know that! Man, way to take away the only manual item management left in the game for me, haha

Hm...I haven’t noticed this, I did spend a long time in the character creator but I didn’t try and make someone who was necessarily “pretty” so maybe that’s what makes it so jarring.

I don’t normally recreate myself when creating a character in a game, but for the heck of it I tried to get as close as possible with my

Guys, he’s from the Black Mesa PR department. Did we expect anything less than an immediate and public screw-up?

For me, it’s more about a pattern of behavior than any particular case. This case is small, but not all of them are, and Bungie promising transparency and failing over and over is worth noting.

It’s sort of what they’ve always done.

“Let us show you the TRUE potential of our hardware.”

“...yeah, we’re just gonna add some quick-time events that require you to wiggle your controllers around arbitrarily for a bit.”

I thought the same thing, but while the graphic seems about the same size the damage looks like it extends a bit further out than you’d think.

Of course it’s been forever since I’ve played GTAO, so I might be completely off-base.

I have a feeling this person is just messing with you guys, based on liberal use of “Triggered”, “White Power”, and ignoring any comment that correctly points out that marijuana isn’t crystal meth while doubling down on cultural relativism ad nauseam.