
Nah, it just means putting two characters together in a relationship (or pontificating on such a relationship)

The way I look at it is, it’s never going to be the game that some wanted it to be. It tried to fill a niche, pitched it as mainstream for some reason, and then under-delivered to both audiences.

Now, it appropriately delivers a much better, balanced, and full-featured game to that niche audience. It’s not bad, heck

Oh for sure. I’ve been in fandoms before but eventually I figured out that it was more for the community than the subject material (even if I got REALLY into the subject material)

Nowadays I’m not as hurting for that sense of communal acceptance, so I find being “in” a fandom to be more trouble than it’s worth; I get

Yeah, that’s fair. I think it would be a better way of trying to make his point (likes Bugs Bunny = furry is reductive to the extreme) but ultimately neither are sufficient to explain the overall context.

I’m not talking about people’s acceptance or impression or anything like that, just levels of understanding. Clearly you think that one needs to like the sexual stuff in order to understand furries to any real degree, I do not. Agree to disagree, I suppose.

There are people who consider themselves furries who would never dress up and just like the art and roleplaying, not even making it a “lifestyle” decision like you’re saying.

The point being, it does seem that liking anthropomorphic characters is the baseline for the furries I’ve interacted with, and the specifics

Maybe a better way to say it would be “you understand furries more than you think”.

For me, I tend to do better in games that I’m engaged/immersed in and sound is a big part of that; one of Kotaku’s tips for the Bloodborne was to try turning the sound off when you were having an issue with a boss, the idea being it’d be less intimidating/overwhelming and you’d be able to focus better.

When I tried

You can’t have cosmetics they said, you’d mess with the canon they said...

If this was the only issue people had with the game, I’d understand your point more.

But, the first EA Battlefront...had canon friendly cosmetics...
Ugh...my head hurts from trying to process this much BS.

I’ve been corrected several times. Thanks for taking the time to read the comments.

For what it’s worth, I think Jason added that after the fact for clarification.

Ah, well, there’s the egg on my face.

My read was that they’re still doing a stream, just that it will be about the game in general and not to show off the expansion. That’s just going off of the bit of quoted text, though.

I really think it depends on your playstyle; personally, I use horses all of the time. My pattern is usually to take my horse on the road, then jump off when I see something interesting. I like it more than climbing a mountain or fast-traveling somewhere high and gliding. Just feels more immersive, I guess.

My fiancé is picking us up a copy while I’m at work, we’re about to start a game with his family this Friday.

Gah! So excited.

You say this improved everything from the original and that the combat feels more “polished”, could you expand on that a bit? The first game’s combat, while functional, definitely felt a bit clunky and stilted at times so I want to know how HoF2 improves on that.

Well, that’s certainly one way to go about life.

Fair enough; you have expensive tastes, my friend.

If that does happen, I’d recommend something like buying one AAA game a year (or so) and only buy indies and such otherwise. It’s sort of what I do now, and I still have more great games than I could ever realistically beat.