
I absolutely love it. My first EV.  Talk about jumping in with both feet!  Everything else is going to feel slow from now on. My wife has an Ioniq 5 SEL and she loves it, too. We use her car if we want to go on road trips since her range is quite a bit better than mine.

I had a Fisker Ocean reserved for about two years before I got cold feet (and tired of waiting for one, frankly) and bought an EV6 GT.  Truly dodged a bullet there! 

So basically they want the locals left alone and they just expect the cops to hassle out-of-towners.  Yeah, that doesn’t sound entitled at all. 

I fear that now these cars are hitting the used market with such steep depreciation, the Charger/Challenger crowd is going to get their hands on a cheap Model 3 Performance or something and end up going 100 mph into a wall or a family of four driving through an intersection.  

Now playing

You could also link to the actual interview with her if you want some substance...

Let’s face facts, though: Ford requiring dealers to have chargers on-site and to have trained technicians that can actually SERVICE the cars they are selling is not an unreasonable ask.   If you buy an F-150 Lightning from Joe “Buddy” Williams Ford in Ho-Hum, Indiana, you better hope their guys can fix your truck. 

For me personally, it’s the Toyota Tacoma.  But that’s only because my entire life, my dad always had a Toyota pickup truck.  Always.  He passed in 2019 and I got his 2013 Tacoma and I will have that truck until it disintegrates (or I do).  I daily an EV6 GT.  But I will run the Tacoma up to work once or twice a week

1996.  I was 17 and driving to my job at Target.  My POS first car, a 1977 Buick LeSabre, liked to surprise me with new problems every now and then.  But never so much as when the hood decided to FLY OPEN right in my face, cracking my windshield, completely obstructing my view and scaring the living shit out of me.  I

Geez.  How long were you standing there watching that?

I told you I didn’t WANT any Tru Coat!  

I thought pulling a gun on someone was just how you said hello in Florida

That exit isn’t even that bad.  Sure, you’re throttling down from highway speeds to a pretty drastic curve.  But if you pay attention to the posted speed limit, you’ll be fine.  These people are just idiots.

I guess that’s just the going rate for a reliable used car these days, though.  Parents of means don’t want to put their kids in some death trap shit box.  But where we were in 1995 when I bought my car, that was the best we could do.  And that was all the money I could scrounge from my grocery store job.  If my mom

$15,000 at 16 for a first car?!  Jeez.  Good for him. My first car was a 1977 Buick LeSabre shitsled that broke down on me constantly.  It was $1,000.  I would have killed for that kind of budget.  Ha ha!  

I’d love to hear Subaru’s excuse for why none of their cars get anywhere near that with less power.  This Camry has an AWD option as well.  

How many times have you run out of gas in your life?  Like on the side of the road, can in hand, walking to the gas station style.  I would imagine probably not often if ever.  If you can manage to keep your gas car fueled up, what makes you think you wouldn’t be able to keep an EV charged?

I would add the GC8 Subaru Impreza to the list also.  Those are still cool.  I’ll never forget the first time I saw a WRX on Gran Turismo Racing back in 1997 or whenever that was.  Too bad we never got that model here and just had the 2.5 RS.

Really feel like I dodged a bullet on this one. I had an Ultra pre-ordered for about two years when they were supposed to be rolling off the assembly line and then it got pushed back and eventually I could never get even a general window of time for when I would get my car. I got sick of waiting and canceled my order

My guess would be this guy was heavily underwater on his trade in, saw the EV9, HAD TO HAVE IT, and then just agreed to whatever because he’s a poor decision-maker and very impulsive.  Next year he’ll either trade this on something else or it’ll get repoed once he realizes that a nearly $2,000 car payment for 84

Ooof.  As someone who works in the social media department of a media company, I can tell you there is NO POINT in arguing with your audience.  It just leads to endless back-and-forth and it’s never a good look no matter how out of line they are getting.  You have to just learn to ignore it and move on.  Insulting