
There was no way to do Alia and it not be ridiculous.  It was my biggest fear going into this as I was like “Oh Christ.. I hope they don’t have a CGI toddler or something.” and thank fucking god they didn’t.  All things considered, I think it was handled as well as it could have been.  

Yeah, it’s really a shame every scene isn’t chock full of giant vehicles, armies of troops or sand worms and it’s just shots of sand over and over again.  Generic!

I had a deposit in on an Ocean and waited about two years for mine before I ultimately got tired of waiting and canceled my order for an EV6 GT last year.  Something just didn’t feel right to me.  I worried about the possibility of this company suddenly not existing and where I would go to have it serviced and how

My fun car is also my commuter (EV6 GT).  But I also have a long hauler/kayak carrying/all purpose adventure 4x4 Tacoma that also gets used for city dump or Home Depot runs.  

The Ioniq 5's pixel headlights are pretty cool.

Same.  I got right in last night.  Zero wait.

The AFK kick patch will do wonders to mitigate the crowded servers problem. People are staying logged in overnight either intentionally or accidentally.

Good! I did this by accident the other day when I left the game on my PS5 but didn’t shut it down and then put my console into Rest Mode. Came back the following evening and I was still logged into the game. Whoops!

I can’t wait to see what they do with it. Thanos was great. Doom is my favorite villain of all time. So I hope they give him a similar treatment. 

I don’t enjoy dumping on the MCU. I quite like the MCU.  But I have not seen a decent film version of Doom yet and they seem to just be trying anything at this point. 

Damn it!  Don’t give them any dumb ideas!  This sounds like something they would do.

There is also a 4K Blu Ray release of this if you’re still inclined to own physical media...

I just finished the book myself.  Reading “Dune: Messiah” now. The presentation of Alia is going to be... interesting to say the least.

I would say she looks more like a woman from Japanese artist Sorayama Hajime’s work (I’ll let you Google it.. I’m at work).  But I think she looks awesome.  It’s a premiere for a sci-fi movie.  People need to chill.

I have an EV6 GT and my tires are fine after 16,000 miles.  What are these people doing??

One problem I have with digital only games, and I recognize that this is a pretty unique problem that most people won’t have, is if I want someone else in my family to play a game I purchased, it’s a headache if I don’t have a game disc. We have four PS5s in our house because we game as a family and everyone has their

1.2 million new chargers.  1.1 million of which will be non-functional most of the time.

If you already had a list in your mind of reasons not to play this game, did THIS really sway you? God forbid you PAY for a game, right? Ludicrous idea!  And I don’t know how old you are, but we were paying more than $70 for large RPGs and that was in early/mid-90's money.  $70 is actually fair for what you’re getting

unless some idiot driver hit the upside down car...”

I mean, it is Florida...