
Wasn’t the company that bought all the remaining stock at BK planning on making them taxis in NYC?

Cringey clickbait titles and thumbnails are the worst all over, and I refuse to click on any of them on principle. That means my choice of videos is getting smaller by the day, but it’s better than feeding the stupid beast.

This is money laundering, right?

Most likely to send an alert to...somebody. I suspect it’s more so for an app if you lend the car to your kid, you can get an alert if the vehicle goes somewhere you don’t want them to.

Pretty clear where his penal code was standing...

I don’t know. I don’t think it’s that hard. I can have fun in a Model 3 Performance (got one) and in a manual Miata (got one) and in a Wrangler (got one). They are all a hoot, obviously in different respects. I don’t know when ‘diving enjoyment’ and ‘driver engagement’ became exclusively tied to the transmission and

And I’m guessing everyone is sticking “I bought itb efore I knew Musk was crazy” stickers... even if they just bought it yesterday so nobody will judge them for it.

Sure for the list, it should have been at least an honorable mention. But I’m just tired of seeing these everywhere. If they had prioritized the Roadster over the Cybertruck, I would have probably bought one. But buying a Model 3, just to see every soccer mom, business man, Business woman, and soccer dad at the same

If it’s something important, like catching a flight, why would you trust a fucking stupid computer to get you there on time?  I might take a Waymo if I’m ever wanting to waste some time, but I’m not trusting a dipshit algorithm to get me anywhere important.

This comment sounds like AI drivel?

“...they’d rather almost kill someone than get off at the next exit and turn around.”

“Became lost while using his GPS"? I read that as "tried to cut across illegally after missing his exit"

I really did like a LOT of what the Ocean offered.  And in a sea of boring cars, I saw it as a lifeboat that stood out.  I’m sad its gone.

Green Day/Smashing Pumpkins.

We should absolutely be fining loud babies. Lots of people enjoy the sound of a Lambo, no one is saying “oh cool a screaming baby” 

People up the wall with his nonsense.

HONDA ELEMENT. Supposedly a couple recent Honda patents suggest they may be working on a new Element.

It needs to be both much harder to get a driver’s license in this country and much easier to lose it.

Some residents have taken to parking their trucks in a pay lot over half a mile from the neighborhood,

Credit card is literally a straight up discount for people who don’t use it as a loan to sustain a lifestyle that they can’t afford...