I had a 2014 Impreza hatchback and it was an absolute slug. So 0-60 in 7.5 will feel like lightspeed by comparison.
I had a 2014 Impreza hatchback and it was an absolute slug. So 0-60 in 7.5 will feel like lightspeed by comparison.
How about just can the 2.0 since it gets a barely noticeable increase in mpg and just make the 2.5 the standard engine and go from there? Why does the 2.0 even exist if it offers no benefit? 2.5 should be standard and then they can offer a turbo 2.0 or something if they want an actual “sport” model.
You also have to likely write for various different scenarios. If the player makes choice A, then result A occurs. But there might be a B, C or even D that could be very different and go down a completely different narrative path.
Right? Oh, you want that massive JRPG that has additional memory to fit it all in and a battery backup? Well that’ll be $75... in 1994 money. Which is about $150 today. I remember those days. Yikes.
This is perfectly encapsulated where I live in western Washington. I work in Seattle and we’re by no means a low income household. But there’s no way in hell we could afford to buy a home in Seattle where the average house price is right around $600k or so for a tiny house in a sketchy area. We have a nice house in…
I wish I could switch to fiber. I HATE being stuck with Comcast. But around here, it’s the only show in town. Which sucks because we don’t live out in the sticks or anything. But they just don’t have any fiber options here for some reason.
I can only speak for myself, but we have four PS5s. I’m a gamer, my wife is a gamer and my two daughters are gamers. And we all play together. So everyone has their own.
I’d be fine with that. There were some strange character models those first two seasons or so. I, too, want an escape from Hank Scorpio’s lair level.
No problem! I feel the same way about Funko Pops. I just... do not for the life of me get why you would want that in your house. Much less like 50 of them. To each their own, I guess!
That being said... I want that Simpsons Arcade game back. I had it on my old XBox 360 (along with X-Men and the Marvel Vs. Capcom games), but I can’t play them unless I buy a used 360 or I want to buy one of those awful 1Up dwarf arcades.
I like the art on some of them because at least they are creative instead of just your typical, by-the-numbers game cover artwork, which tends to be awful. It feels like a more premium package, at least to me. I didn’t used to like them. But there have been some really cool 4K Blu Ray steelbooks (I have a huge…
Exactly! That’s what I was hoping to see here. Not... whatever this is.
It’s not even a cool package. A nice steelbook with Amano’s artwork would have been nice. This is just lazy.
If he has a pattern of leaking information over the course of several years, why continue inviting him to these summits?
A silver or possibly seafoam green Toyota Prius. Preferably one with an Uber or Lyft sign on it. You could slip into traffic with about 1,000 others that look just like it and nobody would know. Here in Washington, you could also pull this off with a Tesla Model 3/Y.
Nevermind then! Sounds like he’s going to make money off of them. I’ll shut up now. Ha ha!
I would have bought real estate instead of a depreciating asset, but ok!
The operating system is crap, too. I had a 2022 Outback loaner from a dealer for a few months while they were destroying my Forester beyond repair and I had to suffer with that atrocious infotainment system. Slow, outdated visuals, just really low-quality looking and feeling tech. I was like “Wow. This is Subaru’s…
Would you prefer this to “Oh you didn’t get that feature when you bought the car? Well then you can just never have it”? This all sounds very suspect, but it’s not unlike the ability to patch a video game with new features after launch. The difference there being those are free but these are paid upgrades. But…
Man, I have to pay a minimum of $20 a load (up to a certain weight... I think it’s like 200 pounds) any time I take something to the dump here in Washington. I can’t imagine what this costs. Though I’m sure through some corporate back door nonsense, the state probably pays THEM to dump it.