
I don’t know.  I paid like $3 for The Order: 1886 and I still felt like I paid too much.  It’s a beautiful-looking game, even today.  And I love the aesthetic and the setting is interesting.  They just take that interesting setting and aesthetic and do absolutely nothing with it.  Walk around, pick stuff up and turn

Yeah, I’m not going to just immediately jump into dumbass mode with a brand new nearly $90K truck that would take an unforeseen amount of time to replace should I destroy it.  But then again, I’m not 24 anymore, so... perhaps this is a generational thing.  Of course, at 24, I could not afford a $90,000 truck, so... I

I think those who oppose the bill are fundamentally misunderstanding something: these aren’t just parking spots. They are a way to ensure your vehicle can continue moving down the road and often times these chargers are broken or already occupied. So to have someone in a gas car parked in one of the few EV chargers

My current choices are my EV6 GT and my late father’s Tacoma 4wd he left me. EV6 is my DD and the Tacoma is for when there’s snow or ice (EV6 has summers on it) or I need to haul stuff or just remember Dad. 

I would love a new Killzone, actually...

He prefers the term “basement ape”, if you please!

I don’t think living at home is inherently shameful.  My daughters are in college and still living with us.  Hey, save as much as you can right now and buy when the time is right!  I think the living at home/being an absolute physical specimen/spending your days trolling on 4Chan at 38 years old combo is what is being

Yikes.  That range is as bad as my EV6 GT’s.  Except my GT is a hell of a lot of fun to drive.  So there’s a trade off there.  I’m trying to figure out what the benefit of owning this vehicle is over many other more compelling competitors.  This thing also charges slowly, if it’s identical to the Toyota/Subaru thing.

I’m surprised they weren’t driving a stolen vehicle.  Here in Washington (the state... not D.C.) the hot crime is to steal a full size or dually pick up truck and then drive it into the front of a pot shop and steal the ATM.  I work in news and we legit had this happen every day last week.  One day it happened twice

Such a nice car.  I love seeing them around from time to time.  I ultimately went with an EV6 GT, but the Polestar 2 was on my short list for sure.  

I’m not in love with the twist shifter on the column. My wife’s Ioniq 5 has that and I’m always afraid I’m going to shoot past the gear I’m trying to select and into the next one.  I prefer the dial on my EV6 more.

Correct.  Those are for the digital side mirrors they get in Europe and Asia but are banned here.  

...and it will be marked up $10,000 minimum 

I’ve only had my EV6 GT for about two weeks now.  So there’s nothing I really “hate”, per se.  The two gripes I have are things I knew about before I purchased it, so they’re on me.  One is the range.  It gets just a hair over 200 miles of range due to the bonkers electric motors it has.  But again, I knew that going

I do envy the Tesla charging network. I feel like all of us, Tesla owners included, are the tip of the spear for the EV future. But as more of the market converts, the voices will get louder to improve infrastructure. Ranges will increase. Eventually it will be on par with gassing up, but we’re a ways off from that

I bought an EV6 GT last weekend and I’ve yet to successfully use a public charger despite a handful of attempts.  Luckily we have a home charger that we installed last year when my wife bought her Ioniq 5.  On two separate occasions, I was unsuccessful in getting the Electrify America chargers at our local Walmart to

I bought an EV6 GT this past weekend and if you can’t have fun in that rocket, then EVs just are never going to be for you.

And let’s not forget every single hotel showerhead that you have to bend down in front of so you can wash your hair.  They must be shaming anybody over 6 feet tall.

I didn’t even realize the Solterra had launched.  I live in Washington, which is a Subaru hotbed, and I’ve never seen one.  And I drive back and forth from Tacoma to Seattle five days a week.  Not a one, though.  

I suppose.  Don’t know how much longer that will go on if nobody’s there to exhibit anything, though.