I mean... why even have it at this point? Just cancel it.
I mean... why even have it at this point? Just cancel it.
What the hell kind of sentence structure is that in the first image? Yikes. I would have uninstalled it right there.
I love how Eastern WA prattles on about seceding from our state while failing to realize the majority of their infrastructure is funded by King, Pierce and Snohomish County tax money. How are they going to maintain hundreds of miles of country highways without our funding? Are the tulip farmers going to foot that…
I just spent a week visiting family in Tennessee and saw all of two Teslas the entire time I was there. Both were in downtown Nashville and both were seen within about five minutes of each other. I asked my sister “So... not a lot of EVs here, huh? Are there even any charging stations that you know of?” She just…
Cars need more bubble domes. Homer was right.
Yup. Those dealer plate frames come off the car before I even leave the lot.
Trust me, it makes no sense to us either. We pay taxes on every paycheck and then sometimes still have to pay at the end of the year OR we find out we’ve been giving the government a no-interest loan for the last however-many months and then we (yay!) get a “refund” of OUR money that they’ve been holding on to. I…
Ha! Same. I live in Tacoma and work in Seattle. I see at least one R1T seemingly every day, which is crazy given how much they cost.
I just want a nice copy of Strange Days, preferably in 4K, with a cool cover. So.. someone get Arrow Video on the phone, pls. I have a few of their discs and they do a great job of making overlooked movies feel special.
It’s really frustrating. Why hold these movies hostage? There are plenty of smaller distribution houses like Arrow Video that could put out a killer disc version of some of these cult classics.
I have been trying to track down a Blu Ray copy of Strange Days for years. The only ones I can find are from Germany and won’t work on my American 4K player. THANK YOU for the tip about it being on HBO. I’ve been wanting to watch it again for a very long time. GREAT film.
LOL! It’s always 2600 Pac Man sound effects. The controller will always be corded. And if they DO have a modern-ish controller, nobody will ever have their fingers on the shoulder buttons even though every game now uses them.
Or pushing a heavy ass, very fast electric car past its handling limits on a curvy road maybe? Personally, I wouldn’t drive like that with my kids in the car but...
People that have no regard for anyone else’s property and just open their door right into your car. Take responsibility for my actions? Hell no! I’ll just drive away like I did nothing wrong and not so much as leave a note! If I’m going somewhere that I’m expecting a lot of children to be, it’s even more…
Yeah, I don’t get that. I think the two swords, though ultimately pointless, is just a cool little touch. On console it’s left or right on the D-pad, which are not used anyway. But if it’s taking up keys you would normally use for something else, that makes no sense.
You can set it to automatically unsheath the correct sword. That’s how I’ve always had mine set. You can still manually pull your sword out. But it will automatically grab the right one when a fight is about to start.
Some people are built for that. My sister works crime scenes and has seen about the most vile shit imaginable. She’s been to the Body Farm in Tennessee to study corpses in various states of decay. It doesn’t seem to bother her. I think at some point, there’s a switch that gets flipped that allows people to be…
Gaming has been a Christmas essential for me as long as I can remember. I remember my mom venturing into NYC to get me a copy of Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest when I was like 8 or 9 years old because I wanted it so badly and nobody had it in our small NY town. And Mom did NOT go into the city for anything because it…
I know it must be a scary and confusing time with you having just joined us fresh from 2004. But the South Korean automakers are actually offering some compelling vehicles right now that sell very well. They have two of the hottest electric cars on the market too. Oh, we have electric cars now, too.
I got this game for free on my PS5 and I’ve never even bothered to fire it up. Why? Because it looks like a dozen other games that have come out in the last ten years or so. With my limited time and a massive backlog of games already, why would I bother? It looks so brutally average.