Well; call me; crazy; but, I, internet commenter, and, man, did not; know that; legal documents; required such; copious; punctuation
Well; call me; crazy; but, I, internet commenter, and, man, did not; know that; legal documents; required such; copious; punctuation
White privilege
non-phone movie disruption story: went to see The Return of the King all those years ago and sat next to an older midwestern auntie-type who loudly sighed “Oh geez.” after every. damn. thing.
True story: I’ve always wanted to play a scifi-noir game as Garrus.
The “news” section was one of the most hilarious parts of the show, and it was a damn shame that BBC America[*] generally cut it to get the show short enough for US commercials. Which is why I was happy when it appeared uncut on Hulu (and, to be honest, the reason why I started subscribing to Hulu).
for $20k you could probably get a few dozen people to recreate tubgirl with the shake.
“But apart from that, how was the play, Mrs. Lincoln?”
I think Sanderson did a good job with Jordan’s work. I don’t like that ending all that much, but I don’t blame Sanderson for that. Jordan came up with the ending. Sanderson just wrote out what Jordan outlined. Plus, personally, I find Sanderson to be the better author than Jordan. Frankly, I think he’s better than…
My Little Sister Can’t Be This Lost?
Her hair looks cute. I'm not seeing the unprofessional because it looks neat and clean to me. I think braids are professional.
“It’s a real shame to build something so beautiful and not let people inside.”
Me too. I’ve also said “Happy birthday to the ground” when I spill something.
yo, that was pretty weird, but we’re back in the club.
How could a ghost pick up the ax, dummy? It would go right through their hands! Now, if the house were possessed by a demon, then I’d have something to worry about.
Ok be honest.
Considering that’s basically my fiance - a hot, feisty girl who could talk your ear off about Doctor Who between matches in Halo and dressing up as American McGee’s Alice - I somehow stand it just fine.
Here’s my work corner :)
[tips fedora]