
lighten up francis.

Pretty much.

Can I resurrect this meme?

And that was how I learned about abortion.

Seriously, my parents thought it was a coathanger abortion joke, so Li'l Kid Rid ended up learning allll about it only to say...

The second coming was a much more intense experience in Narnia.

Designing automation machines (not so much food) and also testing equipment (compression, extension, torsion, shear etc.) has been literally most of my career. It's not all 'that' exciting, but I did recently design a quality control contraption to test the pressure required to pop a ketchup style packet that

He definitely needs to play the live action version of his animated character. The problem is I can't think of anyone for Schmendrick apart from Michael Cera.

here you go

“Sure, I appreciate it, Dad. Giving me a football with my own autograph on it just seems a little odd.”

Oh no, he was the hate and belittle everything you like type, so he hated Firefly.

Gritty fantasy you say?

That's what happens when you make your scripture so expensive.

Going Clear says 50k

Now playing

ODST is still my favorite trailer. That shit still gives me chills

God I miss Dave Chapelle.

At least he doesn't try to cross his own stream.

I dont have a problem with Dark Horse, but I wanted to wait and see if any of the new comics were actually interesting or gave us something to care about. Leia didn't look particularly interesting. But the enforcer of the empire trying to build his own personal retinue in the event that he gets fucked over is much

Everything about this composition is fantastic.

Persoanlly I don't think a statement was neccesary. Just tell the cop his name

Cop"Ok, tell me what happened. Why did you hit him?"
Big Jim "His name is Hayes McGinley. He's a lacrosse player for Syracuse"
Cop "You're free to go..."