
(Summons demons and magical smoke. Under cover of darkness, kisses The Donald passionately and tops him. Married forever. His parents support and nurture us.)

Uhhh. They were killing aliens in the name of puppies.

Might be why Franklin thought they would make a good symbol of America. More so now.

Its smiling because it knows what lies beneath.

This new breed of troll is weak.

Triggered much?

Can’t wait for her to drop a track with Peaches.

Operation: Hot Mother!


That isn’t really fair to say. Everyone I know that is into Star Wars thought Rey was easily one of the best characters and feel leaving her out is stupid. Likewise all of them are hardcore fans of Leia, Mara Jade, Ahsoka, Hera, Sabine, Asajj, etc.

Myself, I thought the Jaina Solo story lines, especially the ones by

Stephen King wrote about that once.
It didn’t end well.

There are quite more than 4, so I dunno how yer point is made.

I somehow got signed up for this mag and the swimsuit issue from 2016 was actually worth keeping for one reason only ... WHABAM!

It’s absolutely worth it. What a ride. DLC is also worth it. The 2nd one featured one of the coolest segments I have ever experienced in a game.

... well I typed a whole fun answer to this, mistyped, hit CTRL + Z by instinct and now my story of how an innocent Russian spy discovered a secret NAMBLA run jazz club and happened on all GOP parties involved being there mid show and then he passed the info to Putin, therefore leading to this willful idiocy on the

Easy enough fix: reporters need to start packing night vision.

Neckbeard Zetas do not mix well with Trumpbro Alphas or Alt-right Betas. They all want varying degrees of horrible shit, but they loathe everyone else.

Xenomorphs are far better left undiscovered, origin wise. I liked the comics where the explanation was simple — Space Jockeys were psychic aliens, the xenomorph was just a particularly nasty species transported from it’s home world as a weapon. One their planet, the xenomorph is nasty but balanced by other species.


I had the same issue. I was a professional designer with a topical theme and they just denied me, meanwhile studios were just putting up 4chan memes.

I remember the huge deal they made about how it would evolve over time or something. I know it changed as you played games but not how much.