
The weird shit always bugged me because I tried to contact PSN about making themes that would be curated designs and they just blew me off as I wasn’t a known design studio.

Meanwhile one company just uploaded pics of random women with a water effect and were just fine. Boggles the mind how that is ok.

Stoners. Kids. Stoned kids.

The line from Iron Fist sounds like Boyfriend #3 in Scott Pilgrim and I dig it. “I’m the immortal Iron Fist!” Lulz.

Halo 4 should have either been an ODST-like story with Karin Traviss’ Thursday War story as a main part or background or with MC out of our galaxy dealing with new threats outside of the human or Covenant — fish out of water, limited weapons due to the only arsenal being on the ship, etc.

It could have gone the route

Came out to close to Battlefield 3 I think. They shot themselves in the foot with that one. Too bad cuz the gunboat ate copters up like crazy.

That tweet by Ben Baller is every uncle trying to be cool, ever.

Imagine, if you will, how horrible that must be for hentai game characters.

You will find your eyes widening like crazy when you find out how big the explorable areas are, even just one planet hits an impressive distance. You will need your ride, big time.

At this point of my life the only conversation I would get is from my family wanting to know why I spent that much on a lamp. But I kind of like it.

At this point of my life the only conversation I would get is from my family wanting to know why I spent that much

EDIT: I’m pretty sure the director is hiding spoilers for anyone who hasn’t read the book so redacted my comment.

We could use more Gene Wilder these days.

Good to hear they’re keeping the perks — best flights I ever made were Virgin over seas and domestic.

... because that is what Kermit was schilling.

Dude makes a fine snickerdoodle. They forgive, but say bless his heart many times while doing so.

The best beard is the beard you cannot believe in.
Oh wait are we talking about the kids haircut?

Smurfette will never be on the same level as Poppy. How’ya like dem apples?

I have a fairly damn nice suit from Mens Wearhouse, tailored to fit and I look good— no excuses for the POTUS

Plus he can see in the dark.

This movie would be so boring if they had just worn helmets and hazmat suits like, I dunno, normal people in an unknown environment.

To be fair some of those games and comics were pretty good, better than 4 of the movies in the Alien and Predator franchises.