
Spartans weigh like 1.5 tons in their armour I thought ... unless there has been some crazy advances even they shouldn’t be able to survive a free-fall that far and just start running at the bottom.

I'm a sucker for anything Halo but man, that is stretching it.

Battlefield 4 is anything but linear and small.

I hear he and Trump are two members of a hidden comedy troupe of four called the Four Horsemen.

Rumours are Adam Sandler is the third with the jury out on the fourth.

EgoRaptor used to be pretty cool.

If you puke red, seek a doctor, friend.

Lol. I just bought and finished the Tomb Raider XB1 game. Damn.

How's my park coming along?

I really just wish it had been monsters ... everything up to the reveal was pretty good.

Waterbane is to keep your shit dry and useable for wizards in wet environments and corpselight is immensely useful for hordes of undead in dark environments.

It’s weird because in no way does it fit the tone, the OST or the setting — I think someone in Activision just really likes Paul and said he had to have him.

HEALTH, NIN, Throbbing Gristle, fucking Diplo even, would have been better choices.

I’d be happy if you could,
I dunno, walk around the fucking city you saved multiple times and maybe see more than the 50 immortals cooped up in the Tower. Immortals who have nothing more to do than thank you for your services, daily, without themselves gearing up and doing shit.

I'd also kill for multiplayer levels

I hate when I buy a bag of delicious apples and then next time I get a new bag they're practically the same but still delicious.

Japanese dating games have been doing that for years and as long as the payoff is good, the formula works.

I hate saying it but Trailer Park Boys should have ended after Season 7. Season 8 is ok and it’s great to see the boys again but for fucks sake Season 9 is basically them having so much money to spend on props and crap they forgot that working within the boundaries of a cheap set made them write better arcs.


I'm pretty sure they crap bananas.

I always found the passive pit Sarlacc so much more terrifying than the active tentacle flower plant CG one.

Ignoring the fact the wall already has many holes, caused by people stealing bricks.

I wish you had a selfie stick at the Hugos when we were in line for drinks ... we could have snooped on what was taking so long at the front of the line.*

*Full disclosure I’m so tired from my work that I just realized as I typed that I am so mixing you up with someone else for no good reason but I’m leaving it up as

I always thought the Jackie Chan movie 'Shanghai West' treated Native Americans pretty fairly in their depiction — everyone else was the butt of the jokes, not them.