
I just had a dream about being in a house with these last night.

Guys, do these things affect dreams like the xenomorph Queen in Aliens, cuz ergggghhhhh

Black Garden is really pretty.

They also claimed that Halo 2 was finished and we all know how that turned out.

What's with the skull logo?

First Batman Arkham game I batclawed a goon over a railing ... he tumbled into an unseen depth so I'm pretty sure he's toast.

Tip o m'fedora m'lady. 2spooky4u

Pretty sure the end of that thing looks like no riding crop I've ever seen.


Same as last demo — those voices are just soooo not even remotely what people playing games sound like. Not that what gamers normally sound like is that great, but take that same scenario, add real people playing and maybe you can sell the public on how fun it is or how much teamwork it requires.

It looks interesting,

Nobody's spirit animal is ever a lobster or hagfish.

Weeaboos get pocky.

Well what changed in 6000 years?

And the demons in the DOOM movie didn’t come from hell, but are just evil DNA fiends.
This is why we can't have nice things.

Such a hilarious mix of astonishingly expensive crap and someone practical other things.

Someone just send her a 1%'s patch from the Mongols and call it done.

By asking that question you just answered your own.

I was sold so hard by the various Bioshock Infinite demos ... =(

I can only imagine someone trying to escape an attacker or something and being killed or hurt because their car refuses to start.

Oh man ... the possibilities, man.

The circumstances aren’t similar, but anytime I see something like this I just think back to every time I was a shit head to someone in junior high school and not knowing just how hard a time some people are having — I suppose at any stage in life I guess.

It fucking sucks when people feel like death is the only viable

So baggy shorts and a t-shirt is AOK eh? I'm good.