
The hair’s right, but he doesn’t have the right face. He doesn’t really look like Ford at all.

I’m still a bit on the fence with him in the role, but goddamn that hair is glorious.

Even if the cost of living in Chicago isn’t quite at NY/LA/SF level unaffordable, the salaries displayed in that photo are impossibly low for people with 15 -39 years professional experience. They must all have to moonlight at other jobs to make ends meet.

no piccolo? this list is trash

it’s a MAGICAL liopleurodon

It will help guide our way to Candy Mountain, Charlieeeeeee.

So, do the police Expecto find the culprit?

That thing is either getting sold for the price of an entire country, or never be let go off by a crazy fan. The only way she will have of retrieving it will be to put out a contract on the thief.

I assume the police have already tried “Accio prequel”?

What else is there to say but

Didn’t Fuller already comment that he thought S2 would be most of the Lakeside stuff from the books? Being from a small town, I always loved the way Lakeside is portrayed in the books, like how creepy small towns can seem from the perspective of an outsider.

well that’s not a very nice thing to say

sims fans might be one of the strangest gaming subcultures i know about.

Nah, next we start eating keyboards.

The interweb provide.

We are so fucked. The only explanations for this are that he’s a) that oblivious to the optics, b) not oblivious but has utter disdain for all of us, or c) actually in cahoots with the Russians.

Fires the guy investigating Russian influence —> Meets with Russia.

How does ANYONE get into the Oval Office without the White House and secret service knowing exactly who they are and what they’re doing?