
Any “here is a new security hole” article should be required to list what the attack vector is. Is it a malformed video file that triggers the memory overflow? Some internal web server that VLC runs in the background that you need access to the user’s LAN to be able to attack? (Hint: it’s a malformed video file)

People should not be regarding her as a modern-day Robin Hood, who took from the rich and gave to the poor. She did nothing of the kind, outside of lavishly tipping hotel staff.

I think it’s the (unfortunate) concept of “planned obsolescence”.New stuff is designed to only last a short time, so you HAVE to buy a new one. And so the old stuff (mostly) works better, and is generally easier to fix if it does break down.

I feel like I’m the only one who can’t stand this style of animation. I knew nothing about Kricfalusi before you posted this, but I’ve always been troubled by Ren & Stimpy and SpongeBob style animation. As a kid, I remember other kids loving Ren & Stimpy, I just thought it was gross. Especially with it’s weird

David, why have you left Waze out of this article?

Also Tracey Scoggins on Bab 5. I saw her at a con, she said it took her quite a few takes to stop making the pew-pew noises.

“But, you’ve used a laser pointer, right? Did it go “pew”?”

Laura Dern knows.

It’s crazy that doctors are so dismissive of side effects. We know our bodies and what doesn’t feel right!! To dismiss everything as “paranoia” or “hypochondria” or even just an overreaction is a huge disservice to the patience, bordering on malpractice.

I remember hearing the risks from my doctor and reading the risks on the prescription package and doing all my research - clots were always on the list but I thought, “Surely not me!” I was definitely more worried about the “lack of vibrancy” issue when I went on the pill, but it turns out that was the least of my

Jesus christ I’m so sorry you had to go through this. It’s appalling how doctors consistently refuse to acknowledge the suffering of women, particularly as it relates to menstruation issues. Thank you for sharing your experience. 

I had a similar experience on the depo shot. I swear I’ve tried almost every birth control option available. Several pills, nuva ring (DESTROYED sex for me), depo, IUD. After literally spotting for 9 months straight on depo with the occasional cascade (not as bad as youve described), I went off of it. I naturally have

Depo was a motherfucking nightmare.  It kicked off a period of terrible rage and depression, accompanied by 3-5 lb weight gain for every shot cycle for two goddamn years.  It certainly shouldn’t have been the first birth control drug I tried, and my doctor should have done more to explain the options to an 18 year old.

I tried getting into it when it was relatively new. Just wasn’t my cup of tea. I’m much more of a sci-fi than a fantasy person is all.

You inherited the greatest economic prosperity the world has ever seen. And how did you use it? You did all the drugs in the 60s. You had all the sex in the 70s. You made all the money in the 80s. And you won all the elections in the 90s. And each time, you rolled the carpet up behind you. You’ve coasted for the last

And somehow that same government executes flawless cover-ups of 9-11, chemtrails, and alien encounters. :/

...and then you get to the end and a gorilla starts throwing barrels at you.

Space is big. Really big. You just won’t believe how vastly, hugely, mind-bogglingly big it is. And there is only one Captain Marvel.

Hello, editor here. The ppm/ppb discrepancy was completely my fault and the consequence of attempting to edit after three hours of coaching college kids on science writing without sufficient caffeine. It has been fixed.

I’m autistic, but it went unnoticed for years because I was considered so intelligent as a kid. But even when I started backsliding as a teenager, my parents didn’t act like I was a burden or a disappointment. I won my school spelling bee when I was 12 but they equally congratulated me for doing things like seeing a