
You know you’re screwed when “permanently remain on Detroit’s water system.” makes folks overjoyed, we’re not talking Evian here.

Meanwhile, my grandma still thinks I’m in a Mexican jail.

I stopped drinking soda 4 months ago. I used to have a serious addiction. I had an enormous can of ice cold Coca-Cola on New Years Eve and told myself, that’s it, you’re going cold turkey after this.

This is just a temporary measure until they can get the Hawaiian Punch drinking fountain installed.

As a young newly out queer woman this had such a profound effect on myself and my friends. We had viewing parties for both the puppy episode and her Diane Saywer interview. My parents were havuing a very hard time with my sexuality and seeing Betty stand up for Ellen was soawesome.

Wait, he convened the press to discuss the electoral college, again? It’s almost May. We’re going to be hearing about this through both of his terms, aren’t we?

Fat guy, probable microcock, surrounded by yes man, never worked a real job, armed to the gills with nukes, shitty hair, propped up by propaganda, narcissist, egomaniac, probably insane.

I’m still trying to forget those horrible sequels. The Matrix and Animatrix are soooo good.

We don’t have any direct observation. That’s what is preventing official “proof of existence”.

IKR! What’s next? Johnny Depp actually appearing in the ride as Jack Sparrow?

It’s a display box for the shelf sort of thing.

The history of state execution has been one of attempting to minimize pain, suffering, length, and complexity while enhancing reliability (i.e., you don’t have to try more than once to make the victim dead) and maintaining some degree of theatrics, that last bit depending somewhat on the culture and political climate.

That lightsaber is perilously close to her arm.

That’s the name of the show...

MH370 didn’t show up? Guess they still have some resolution to work on.

Of all the fucked up stuff that this administration is doing this one is near the top of the list for me, and getting far too little press. These are incredible national parks that should be preserved for the use of the public and our children. Opening these up for mining/drilling only serves corporations at the

Make America Juicy... Again?

Since when does the law apply to the wealthy?

Hahaha, you think they will prosecute? Silly commenter don’t you know crimes are for the poors?