
So I guess what you’re saying is that her future was originally... nebulous?

I had the opportunity to travel to Zimbabwe last year. I figured I would get to see a good dark sky so I checked my 4" cassegrain telescope and brought it with me. I’ve been backpack camping and star gazing in America many times in many western states in the county. I thought I knew what a “dark sky” was.

Oh, I had no

Evans says it would be a good idea to improve the ventilation systems within subways.

Thanks Disney.

Sigh... I really miss Disney hand drawn animation. There’s recent 3d animated movies have been really good but there’s always been an artistic aesthetic to classical 2d that can’t ever be replaced.

Ah, soon my favorite pastime of finding creative ways to get away from that fucking butler can be lived over and over again.

That sounds like quite the....

Probably takes twenty people to stop from drawing a dick on the Martian surface like Opportunity did.

There’s also a line that says, if ever a crazy orange man rises to power in America use all your power to impeach him.

When is the last time anyone ever read their car’s manual?

They’re also planning to work with a spectral imaging team to see if they can read some of the text that was scraped away at the top of the document.

And this is why Christianity is better than science. You don’t see Christians having to retract things like this. Science is always changing things. They’re never actually right.

Grover Norquist is a fucking cancer.

I’m less bothered by the turnover in people, even the abruptness of most of these firings/resignations, than I am the fact Trump keeps picking unqualified people as the replacements.

Most anticipated show of the year for me. Can’t wait!


Is it dusty in here?

Something something something Matt Daaaaamon.