
Fixed ‘em.

this is an astute and correct observation

“We’re gonna come and deport you, BIGLY, unless you sign up for the Gold Membership plan in Trump University. Each membership also comes with a free 4-pack of Trump Steaks, and a case of Trump Water. It’s the best, this is exactly what America tastes like.”

They have very boopable noses.

but I do!!!!!

Incident report:

Those nefarious motherfuckers! Fish. In. An. Oven.

Meanwhile back in Washington...

I don’t know what’s worse, the fact that this guy calls his wife Mother and refuses to treat women like equal humans and not conniving sex hypnotists lusting over his protuberance, or that he’s playing second fiddle to Donald Fucking Trump.

Plot twist: It’s just Jeff Goldblum trying to sell Thor and Darryl an apartment. The Hulk crashes the house party second act.

Would’ve led to a way different tone.

Great comment, DietNebraska.

Huh, reading the headline and knowing the current admin, I would have figured the scam in question was an offer to enroll in Trump university.

Great article. I can’t tell if I see this used as an insult more now that I am a father of an autistic child, or if it’s just come into fashion as of late.

I’ve noticed more and more people using “autistic” as an insult, especially when I see the chat log in FPSs, like Battlefield 1, on YouTube. I was wondering when this became the new go-to insult.

There’s this one fucking website, makes you wait 5 seconds before you can even see the webpage. But seriously, there are some sites I’ve just stopped visiting. Some are are ads on top of other ads. Some others I quit visiting because they make you whitelist before reading an article. I find the next website that

I don’t get it. How is there not a way to securely store CC information that makes it so that only the retailer storing it can use it? I.E. Hash the data with a unique identifier for that retailer that rotates on an hourly or daily basis? This way they have no need to actually store your information. Better yet, a new

Had no idea Holiday Inn still exists.

...huh. On the one hand, another, different outsized performance could be just what the doctor ordered.

I’m actually into this idea. Will Smith is at his best when he is being goofy. Yeah, he has some good drama roles but let’s face it he is funny. He would make a good Genie and would make the character enough his own to differentiate himself from Robin Williams. As long as Aladdin isn’t his son I don’t think there