
They keep sending us Jesuses and we keep just thinking they’re just crazy hobos!

I hapen to find it pretty. C’mon, love needs no reasons.

Has it every occurred to you that we don’t like humans find you all annoying?

to be fair, the lead author wasn’t available for interview and i don’t read press releases, but i understand the sentiment and will try to do better.

My mother-in-law said that one of the standard jokes at vet school was that doctors are just vets who are only trained to treat one species.

People may think this is stupid, but I’ll bet you Patrick never shot and posted a video shot in portrait mode. RIP little guy.

my guess is sells insurance

I’m glad some celebrities have a heart. The rest either never hear of a story like that, or don’t care enough to do anything. I’m glad Shaq was able to help them.

The police waste all their time on things like this, meanwhile the Tunnel Snakes are still running wild, terrorizing the public with their aggressive and provocative dance moves.

Media or her red headed step child Social Media?

That’d undoubtedly be Media.

I really, really want this to be a great series.

While many people didn’t give two shits that there was a drought, shown by the way they showered and watered lawns and crap, I think it would have been best to let people keep thinking there was one. I mean conservation is a good practice regardless of how wet everything may be.

Then again, kind of a trip seeing so

The truth is that CA doesn’t have a water problem, they have a storage problem. And with the recent crisis averted, CA politicians will ignore the needed infrastructure needed to support the population that doubled since the last projects were completed. They’ll just kick that can down the road a few years and waste

Why are the Republicans so gung ho on meddling in capitalism? The free market does. not. want. coal. anymore.

I live in Wyoming, where people fervently believe Priutt’s bullshit. If you want an uncomfortable silence, ask them why, if EPA regulations are responsible for killing the coal industry, China’s coal industry is also declining at a similar rate. (spoiler: the answer is Obama-something-something).

anti-coal agency that he’s reining in

This is not a photo of a black hole....
