
Is this from Elastic? Cause it feels like it’s from Elastic. They’re the company behind such opening credits as:

Amateurs. The attached picture is where you put your 10,000 word manifesto.

I wonder if there are sufficient usernames that are regular words so that you could compose a short story in Twitter using only tags.

The weirdest thing is that they have their eyes closed the whole time. The unblinking eyes you see are projected onto their eyelids.

Does this make anyone else think of Hexadecimal from the old animated series ReBoot?

I will do my best to leave politics out of my next blog post about how politicians fund government science and technology programs.

Not that government waste isnt a real thing (it is, ask the DOD), but most Americans dont seem to have any idea what some of these government agencies do, and therefore just assume that the answer is money wasting bullshit.Like Rick Perry ranting and raving about cutting the Department of Energy, and then

I know, right? I love ass-day. My wife lets me have it on my birthday.

A hungover colleague of mine was once marveling at the fromage on offer at a complementary Continental breakfast and made the mistake of exclaiming, “This is some good-ass cheese!” After being cruelly subjected to this tactic by yours truly, he swore off dairy forever.

I hope “absolute certainty” also is a metric used in the inevitable wars in which we are going to become embroiled as a nation.

from my post over on The Slot article about this:

Don’t forget all of the small-to-medium sized businesses that make the equipment these scientists use for their research. My 25-year-old business barely survived the sequester cuts. None of us will survive a 20% NIH cut. China is ready to pick-up the pieces.

Every time someone examines something critically, they are smearing it and I’m gonna get real annoyed! I swear!

Except for that last one (thanks, Texas climate!!), that exact thing has happened to me. Line for line.

  • Be in not-NYC

I HATE GMO tires!!!

Don’t forget non-GMO tires. They’re bad if they don’t use non-GMO tires.

Welp, I’ll be driving home from the bars drunk I guess. Since there are no all-electric environmentally-sensitive unionized 51% woman organically grown non-profit no animal testing car ride companies to choose from, and taxis in my city are next to impossible to get at 2 am, I must drive after my eight martini happy

When can we stop using the term “Woke” ?