
Bravo! Bravo! Encore!

Now, my question is this: WHAT IS UP WITH THE COLORING ON THOSE CANS? Because seriously I would like a DIET Dr. Pepper - NOT a regular one.

...I think we’ve reached the deepest depths of the Uncanny Valley...

Anyone know the song? It fits absolutely perfectly.

From between beginning 2014 to mid-2016 I worked for a Chinese medicine doctor. No, really. She was this tiny little Mexican-American lady in her late 50s. She went to college at 14, spent a few years as a bartender, became the very first woman in her county to be a concrete inspector, fell off a building and wound up

okay, okay, I know he detracts from the thing -

Yes, I knew that, but from which of their many, many projects? :)

It’s not just Windows, either, Macintosh does it too (although it does give you a little timer to say HEY DON’T DO IT NOW, DO IT LATER)

Question (and I’m trying to be curious and courteous, not dismissive and insulting):

PLEASE tell me where this gif is from, because I love it so

I find it fascinating when parents are like YOU’LL NEVER AMOUNT TO ANYTHING UNLESS YOU DO WHAT WE THINK IS BEST.

...if it were possible to downvote, you’d be downvoted to oblivion.

He’s so sweet!!!! I got to hug him once and it was everything I ever imagined it would be. He made my classmate melt by complimenting how she put her pen in between the buttons on her shirt. We had to remove her with a mop and bucket.

Time & money, my friend. Sadly.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE SELL THEM TO MY STORE - I know a lot of kids would LOVE to have an official Addison Russel-signed Pokemon card!

Unrelated: I <3 Joe Murray

I think we all need to take a step back and realize just how fucking beautiful it all is.

I DID WHEN I FIRST GOT MY HONDA FIT...in January 2015...

You and me both!!