
I remember that episode. That shit was terrifying.

My brother is autistic. He’s 27. He knows he’s different, he knows he has a seizure disorder, he knows he’s not quite capable of what others are.

Wonderfully put.

Now, how will this affect extensions/add-ons like Tab for a Cause?

Also you’re looking at it from a HUMAN’S perspective. Perhaps there is a way Earth is being spoken to that humans simply haven’t found? By some other means that hasn’t been thought of yet?

I’m a woman and I’m gonna go right out and be sexist myself: what the fuck is up with her face???

So what do you do for a living?

I read “Spicy Facts” and I immediately think of like spicy tuna/salmon maki - things I would rather stay away from. I’ll just take my tuna/salmon nigiri, thanks, without the “spicy” crap.

Agreed. And also because one of my jobs ONLY USES MICROSOFT PRODUCTS. Excel is just the best for what we use it for (i.e. actual proper spreadsheets)


Several things that were REALLY bad here:

AMEN TO THAT. I live in an area with MULTIPLE train crossings, and you would not BELIEVE.

Personally, though I’ve been waiting for Apple to do this since FOREVER, I’ve actually grown quite fond of f.lux, and I like that it has SO many options.

And new mail people should have to go through the same trial as Moist von Lipwig, a la Going Postal, by Terry Pratchett.

While I’ve tried playing Persona games (just couldn’t get into them, personally) I LOVE THE ART!!!


It’s a good cheesy sci-fi romp. I recommend it as a film, but not an adaptation.

This is kinda spooky, I was literally JUST thinking about this show last night!

So...I’m gonna go out on a limb and tell you, Madeleine, that you are not crazy, and I believe there are dozens of us. DOZENS!

One of my 3 jobs (yes, 3) is retail at a store that primarily sells MtG cards.